48th on Galehead


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Sep 6, 2003
Reaction score
New Hampshire
Well, I finally got around to finishing the 48s on Saturday by summiting Galehead. My daughter accompanied me and with the exception of some stream crossings that presented some difficulty for her, the trip was largely uneventful.

There was a covering of snow along the entire route, but no need for snowshoes. However, stabilizers made the going a bit easier as we gained altitude. There was a group of hikers out for the weekend that took our picture on the summit and offered heart felt congratulations. We sat on the porch of the hut and relaxed in the sun for a few minutes soaking in the views before heading back down.

Without some sort of list to follow there were any number of peaks that I might have missed and would have regretted. I look forward to starting the 100s and the winter 48s next. So much to see, so little time! See you on the trail.
Hunter said:
.....Without some sort of list to follow there were any number of peaks that I might have missed and would have regretted......I look forward to starting the 100s and the winter 48s next....So much to see, so little time!

Excellent job - welcome to the club! :)

I agree with you regarding the lists, sometimes people express such a distaste for them but like you said without them there are so many peaks that people would miss. So many people fall into a routine and I hear, "I just hike the same ones over and over" which there is nothing wrong with but seems to me it becomes kind of a comfort zone thing for them. Personally, I like getting out of the comfort zone - that is one of the appeals of hiking. I did the winter 48 list last winter and learned a LOT and was out of my comfort zone SEVERAL times but enjoyed it immensely. And to comment on "so much to see, so little time" well, there is an individual on the site (who's name escapes me currently) who's signature reads something to the effect, "The oxen are slow but the earth is patient." What's important is continuing to experience life at YOUR pace, hiking your own hike, which it seems you're doing....good stuff!

Congratulations again!

Hunter said:
Without some sort of list to follow there were any number of peaks that I might have missed and would have regretted.
Excellent list sentiment! Looking forward to hiking with you again some day!
Very nice!

I just finished mine up Sunday on Isolation, I feel the same way about hitting peaks I would have never bothered with before. Its quite the feeling hitting #48 isnt it?
Hunter, congratulations! Many of the things you said resonated with me, since I started "listing" for the same reason, i.e., to see new mountains.

Hope to see you on the winter peaks.
Congratulations. That's a great hill to finish on. Did you plan that to be your last or did it just turn out that way. When I got closer to the end of my list I regretted that I left Adams and Madison for the end. It turned out great because the day was mild, but I wasn't sure I was going to be able to finish when I started off that morning. Hope to see you at the awards in April.
Actually I didn't put any thought into finishing on any particular peak. I just looked at my list one day and said, "oh I guess I only have a few left", Galehead just happened to be the last.