Cupsuptic Pond Road bushwhacks, 9/12

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Dec 20, 2004
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Bottle Mt. (3010'), Un-named Pk[cupsuptic pond] (3250'), Un-named Boundary Pk[cupsuptic pond] (3130')

A "new" logging road, in excellent condition, not clearly shown on the DeLorme Atlas, provides easy access to these peaks. Although the signs initially say "Megantic Rd" all subsequent ones read "Cupsuptic Pond Rd". It should probabably be called the OneStep Parkway in honor of the intrepid whacker who first "discovered" it (He tells me he's negotiating with Dunkin' Donuts to place a coffee shop at the corner of WBR and Cupsuptic Pd Rd). From the well-maintained Lincoln Pond Rd(LPR) 7.0 mi from Morton's Cutoff, take Wiggle Brook Rd(WBR) for 9.0 mi and turn R for the Cupsuptic Pd Rd (make the sharp left on WBR at 3.3 mi from LPR to the Cupsuptic Snow/Kennebago Divide col and continue past the "old" Cupsuptic Pond RD which leaves R at 7.1 mi from LPR).

Back on the new Cupsuptic Pond Rd, I turned L at 1.9 mi on Bowman Town Express and proceeded an additional 1.9 mi to a grassy opening on the L where I parked for the ascent of Bottle. Although initially a little wet, once on the steeper slopes, this was a wide open "fern-whack" of approx 1/2 mi to the summit. Nice views through the trees of Bull, Twins and Cupsuptic Snow.

Back to the Cupsuptic Pond RD, another 2.9 mi North (4.8 total from WBR) brings one to a L (not the grassy rd 0.1 mi earlier); 0.4mi on this L is a large logging yard where the road is no longer passable by car. From here, approx 0.6 mi through mostly open woods stands Un-named Pk (#99 on the Maine 100 Highest List).There were more herd paths in these woods than I've ever seen. Hopefully the crashing noises here were from moose and not a different species of large mammal.

From the same logging yard proceed NW for Un-named Boundary Pk; the road deteriorates but is easily walkable. In 15 min it climbs slightly then turns west and descends, paralleling the Border 0.5 mi away. The forest here has thicker sections which are easily skirted as long as one can stand to stray briefly from THE bearing. The jar is on the US side of the swath. After clearing customs, I stolled both ways along the boundary to savor the views and the warm September sunshine. From the OneStep Parkway on the way home I enjoyed wonderful open panoramas of old friends - Boundary, Whitecap, both Kennebago Divides and Cupsuptic Snow!
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No beaver ponds to drive through?? How boring! Nice job Mark! Even though you had access to the Onestep Parkway, you still had to do the peaks! These solo wacks are very impressive!
There should be some nice well groomed herd paths by the time I get up there.
Mark, thank you for the directions and trip report. I just hope the "Onestep Freeway" is still drivable by the time I get around to those mountains.