Has anyone driven the Bog Dam Road recently?


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Well-known member
Jan 18, 2007
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Whitefield, NH
I’ve never been on the Bog Dam Road, and am just curious if it’s generally a real “challenge” to drive on.
Relatively speaking, is the road pretty good (like the Gale River Loop Rd), or considerably worse (full of potholes & other nasty stuff)?

I’m primarily interested in the western portion of the Bog Dam Road loop, but any info & insight is appreciated!
I was on the road 4 years ago but only drove in about 5 miles on the NE section and if I recall it was pretty smooth. Call the fish hatchery at (603) 449-3412‎ to see if they have current information on the entire 19 mile loop.
I would doubt that the hatchery knows much. In my experience the loop is a typical WMNF road, they don't open it until traveling is good.
Do you know if they ever close roads mid-season? It has rained a bit recently
They closed the Garfield Road when the bridge approach washed out :)

Obviously if somebody drove it recently that is useful info but knowing this is a main gravel road means it is less likely to turn into a quagmire
For anyone interested, I spoke with folks by phone today (22-June) at both the Fish Hatchery and the Androscoggin Ranger District.
The response received from both places was that the road is in good enough condition to be passable with a conventional passenger car. I was also told that the road has been graded within the past few weeks, and that there is routine maintenance work presently being done to some of the culverts.
In searching for some other info about Bog Dam Road, I came across the image below on the SuperStock.com website.
It looks like this road has the potential for being a nice place (especially in Autumn) for a drive/bike/walk/hike.


Bog Dam Road New Hampshire Berlin USA
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