Hike Naked: Germany Opens New Nude-Friendly Nature Trails


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From what I can see looking out my window the kids are going to school almost naked. Nudity continues to evolve and it appears we are going back to our roots. The fashion industry encourages baring it all.

The fashion industry is selective about what it encourages baring, for example shorts that extend to the calves but don't cover the butt. Girls fashions seem meant to be provocative, not liberating. Not that there's anything wrong with that. :cool:

Getting back on topic, that's a lot of sunscreen needed for the German hikers. Their sunscreen budget probably exceeds the cost of decent hiking clothes and with more side affects. I wonder how they'd fare on a Catskill bushwhack.
Those guys are not exactly in shape. What's that about?? Hate to be the ones carrying them out after they hit the wall.
I still remember a quote I read years ago about a nude parade. "What is wrong with these people? I mean I get the nudity..but if I was going to march naked I would train like I was trying out for the F'ing Olympics, not waiting in line at a DQ"
Of course you're right, we've been sexualizing nudity for thousands of years...

Yup, and I've done my part to contribute to it. When I see an attractive woman nude (or even somewhat close to nude), yes it's sexual, it's hot, it's smokin'. When (if? :eek:) I see an unattractive woman nude....well, I'd rather watch SportsCenter. I'm neither proud nor ashamed to admit that; it's just the way it is. Project that into the hiking world, and it changes not one iota.

Most people are weirdos in one way or another - perhaps possibly even myself.

So, as long as your form of weirdness is harmless to others, I'll stand in solidarity.

They're pretty harmless. We're all imperfect, and they seem to have gotten over it while really taking the whole 'hike your own hike' thing to heart.

Fun, harmless, carefree hiking weirdos... my kind of people. They should have a place to do their thing.

Most people are weirdos in one way or another - perhaps possibly even myself.

So, as long as your form of weirdness is harmless to others, I'll stand in solidarity.

They're pretty harmless. We're all imperfect, and they seem to have gotten over it while really taking the whole 'hike your own hike' thing to heart.

Fun, harmless, carefree hiking weirdos... my kind of people. They should have a place to do their thing.

Hikers are weirdos ...... :eek: :) :D They go out into the woods in all kinds of weather and play in the mud, bugs or no bugs.....
I've heard one version or another of the "I don't want to see that" argument in many contexts. Recently it was a conversation about proper locker room atire. As best as I can tell, something approaching a majority of males believes that 1. the male body is inherently disgusting; 2. if you are older than 30, you are ugly and should never be nude; 3. if you are above average hairy, you are truly hideous to behold; 4. If you are overweight, too pale, too tan, too muscley, not muscley enough, etc. etc. etc., then please, do not ever take your clothes off. The rules are different for women, but the message is the same.

I find it all pretty tiring, myself. I accepted (most of) my imperfections a long time ago, and if one day everyone I see on the train and bus each morning and evening wanted to show up naked, I could give a crap.