Kaaterskill High Peak( Catskills ) and ruins of old Tory Fort 11-29-10


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Well-known member
Sep 3, 2003
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Near the Adirondack Blue Line
Bookah and I were invited to a tour of the KHP-Roundtop woods by friend and Catskills expert, Mike. Started as a larger group, but life intervened and ended up as Mike, Heather, myself and the 3 pooches.
Although I missed hiking with some pals I hadn't been out with in a while, it was more than made up for by the interesting route, sights, history and conversation.

We hiked from and returned from Gillespie Rd, using a combination of 'whacks, informal trails, and parts of a snowmobile trail.
The proposed route took us along ledges 200' below the summit of Roundtop
(don't worry, Heather, we'll get it with KHP this winter), a series of nice view-worthy ledges, and Mike led us directly to an old Tory Fort he'd been hunting for over a number of years - and with a lot of hiking and research, found a while ago.
We lunched up near Hurricane Ledge on KHP, took the north trail back to the snowmobile trail, and then to Gillespie.
Although we heard only one gunshot during the day, the dogs and bipeds all were garbed in orange and red as there were a number of hunters' vehicles at the TH as well as other places in the Cats.

For a better description of the route and things to see, check out Mike's wonderful Catskills website: http://www.catskillmountaineer.com/
Its been a too long since I hiked with Heather, and Mike and I have been internet exchangers until we became in-person friends yestery.
Here's an internet thanks for the fun and companionship to the 2 and 4 legged friends and the excellent tour guiding by Mike.
I did close to the same route (but over Roundtop and Kat) from there early in spring. I thought the one trail was going to take me directly to the loop it went so far in. I saw a lone black bear just past the gate and then a mother with two cubs down the long woods road on the hike in.