Kluane National Park


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Well-known member
Sep 4, 2003
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Just got invited on a potential trip to Kluane National Park in the Yukon Territories. Anybody have any info? Places you MUST see? Things to avoid?
Fabulous scenery and outdoor opportunties. Good chances to get lost, buried, drowned, and/or eaten by bugs and/or bears. Still less attention from tourists than it deserves, especially in comparison with Alaska locations. Idyllic, in short.

If you're driving there, buy The Milepost, which you can find at Barnes & Noble, etc. Mile-by-mile descriptions of all highways and other roads in BC, Yukon, and Alaska, plus reliable, detailed info on parks, weather, accommodations, etc. New annual edition appears each March, but any recent one would suffice. You might want to look at it even if you're not driving out. And check out Yukonbooks.com for books and maps galore.

Be prepared to be amazed.
We did a week-long backpack there a few years ago. Amazing is the word. Absolutely drop-dead gorgeous scenery! Serious bear country, though we saw only signs (fresh ones). If you get the chance to hike to the Donjek glacier, do it! I'm at the wrong computer now, but I'll check later on for more info for you.

You can buy The Milepost almost anywhere and it is certainly a must have, not even to navigate but it points out lots of interesting tidbits with the corresponding milepost numbers. Makes for good toilet book read! :)

It is certainly going to be an awesome trip, no matter where you go, it's a beautiful region without the added buildup of tourism.
