Low-flying Jets over Maine


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Don't know the genus and species of planes, but once on Pleasant Mountain (ME) we watched a couple jets fly by . . . BELOW us!:eek:

They used to use the causeway over Moose Pond as a practice target. Maybe they still do. Just think, if you were a different nationality, your drive over a causeway could be your last.
I enjoy seeing jets, but also would like for them to aviod wilderness areas like everyone else. But they don't have to.
I had not seen this video before. It gave me goosebumps. I can only imagine what the pilot must have felt when he saw all those folks and the flag. I like to think that maybe the wing wag was a salute.

We are pretty sure the fly-bys in years past were not entirely coincidental. While the Steering comittee has no sway, nor AFAIK has asked, for fly-bys we believe someone in the Mass. national guard knew about the event and decided to "conveniently arranged" a training flight for that time. :D


P.S. I think it might have been Tom Rankin who got a good video of the C-130's in Franconia Notch from FOT48 '07.
I had not seen this video before. It gave me goosebumps. I can only imagine what the pilot must have felt when he saw all those folks and the flag. I like to think that maybe the wing wag was a salute.

That is a pretty cool video -

I went to school at the Naval Academy in Annapolis, and we used to have fly-thru's at our home football games...usually a pair of A6's thru the stadium right before kick-off. I miss seeing them...but the FOT48 fly-by brought back fond memories.
It's not a surprise that they want to train out there, given a fighter just went down a few days ago in a San Diego residential neighborhood.
Here's a link to a picture of one of 4 "cargo" planes that flew thru Franconia Notch. It was really poor visibility that day, a thrill none the less. Can anyone identify the plane from the poor shot? It was the best photo we could get.


Hard to tell from the angle, but looks like a Hercules C130...

At first I thought it was a P3 Orion, but their tail ends don't slope up like that, plus they have a long extension out the aft end.