Mt. Adams Route

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yea - VW is pretty much as exiticing as watching paint dry - it is safe as heck tho. if you do that - might as well hit madsion while your at it.

my man sherpa is right - crap weather with more snow and grey knob trail could be a pain in the dupa to follow. nice weather - probably one of the funner ways to head up there.

blueZ - you have been around hiking in winter for some time - I think you will be fine on any of these routes described here. didn't you solo castle trail last winter? - none of these are tougher than that.

I agree - on a nice summer day lowes 4 to t junction - it is one of the more ALPINE looking areas in the pressies. and very beutiful.
that would be fun winter!! NH Mt hiker.

anyone of the routes up the ravine headwall would be pretty exciting :eek: :eek: - but this is a diff can of worms than what bluez is looking for I think - most are easy/moderate ice snow climbs - I am looking to do some of these at some stage - with the right person/people. ( :) shameless plug :) :) : pm me if interested)

for strictly hiking these mts - best bet is lowes or valley way - both will be packed out for ya.
giggy said:
blueZ - you have been around hiking in winter for some time - I think you will be fine on any of these routes described here. didn't you solo castle trail last winter? - none of these are tougher than that.

giggy, after read the book "Not Without Peril", I was really really scared. Don't want to repeat that (stupid) Jefferson Solo hike ever. :( This is why I ask the safest rounte here.

Don't want to go too ambitous, especially in winter. Appreciate the feeling of knowing someone is around when the weather is inclement. :)
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More variations on the same themes.... Perhaps a way to combine exciting and safe. I would go for Amphibrach and Spur to Crag Camp, particularly if its reasonably clear. Those views into King Ravine are amazing. Then, once on Adams, I would either retrace my steps, or go by Gray Knob and down Lowes, or, if the weather was o.k. and I was feeling good, I'd go over towards Madison and either go down Airline (more great views if the weather is o.k. and the wind isn't real high), or, go down Valley Way. The reverse is o.k. to: up Airline, over to Crag and down Spur and Amphibrach.

I'd use both Lowes and Valley Way as safe alternatives if the weather was bad, but I'd use the other trails if not, they're more interesting and fun, in my opinion.
I'd have to say Valley Way as safest, it's tree lined right up to the Hut (almost) and gulfside is pretty easy to follow.

While the shelters available along Lowe's has some bearing, once you get to the Quay by the last shelter, you are wide open. On a good day, great views, on a day where visibility may get real low, I find the terrain around Lowe's & T-Storm junction kind of featureless/the same so naviagting would be at a premium.

Neither has any avy danger to speak of. Back in 96, friends & I had planned an EMS Mt. Washington Trip. Avalanche conditions were extreme (old rating, I think, either way the highest) -14 & wind 60-80 MPH. Guides lets us decide but strongly suggested doing Adams. They did not give us a choice of route, we did Valley Way. We only got as far as the Hut & Star Lake.