news about pedxing...

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That's AWESOME news!!! Spaulding Rehab is a good place for recovery, too.
Great news!

I don't get to the computer much these days. Glad to hear things are moving in the right direction. Time seems to slip by for most of us, but it seems like David is working with every minute.

It's great to see him back, even if just for a moment. It's these small steps that help lead back to the normalcy of everyday life.
Thanks everyone for your thoughts and concern on this and the other thread. I have been at Spaulding rehabilitation hospital for the last 3 1/2 weeks and get discharged tomorrow. The thoughts and prayers and cards from people in the backpacking/hiking community have meant a lot to me.

Recovery will be a long hard slog, but I'm hoping to be backpacking and hiking again in 2005.
Pedxing: Welcome Back!!! We've all been thinking and praying for you through this whole ordeal. I know you still have a long road ahead - but you've got a whole lot of people pulling for you as you continue your recovery

I never did get a chance to thank you for joining me when we hiked Pierce and then continued on to Jackson. I never would have done Jackson on my own. Thanks for the company and assistance in route finding. Hope you will join me again once you are fully recovered!! :)

p.s. Congratulations! I understand you tied the knot Saturday!!!
Actually, Little Bear you did thank me. You were great company on the hike - I enjoyed your joy and enthusiasm.

And yes, I did get married in a small ceremony delayed for several months by the fire.

WELCOME BACK !!!! Boy you did give us all a good scare. I am so happy to see you are on the road to recovery. I will be on the Long Trail this summer and you will be certainly on my mind. Good Luck with everything and I can't wait to hike with you . . .


It is awesome to see that you are making great strides in your recovery! As Sli74 said, you put quite a scare in us...

Your heroic act is something that changed your family's lives, including yours, and shows your true character. You sacrificed yourself to save others, which is so unselfish, so courageous, that I bow to you. You are a true hero...

You have been a solid contributor to the Flags on the 48 for the past 2 years, and we are going to miss you this year, but we are going to have to do a little something special for you this Sept...

You deserve it!

Also congrats on your recent wedding (throwing rice at my monitor)

To a full recovery!
Was just thinking about you a second ago... I looked at the Northern section of the AT (the part you hiked recently).

I thought, "Boy, I sure could use some advice, but the only person I know is Pedxing...hmmm, I wonder when he will be back on the boards." I am glad you are posting.

It would be good to see you, so let me know when would be good and where. Has the doc told you to stay away from Redbones?

Welcome back!!! It is just amazing how good it makes us feel to hear you are doing so well. I have never met you and only know you from your posts and the posts of your many friends. It is things like this that makes us realize how important our friends and life is.

We should all learn from this do not wait for something bad to happen before you let someone know how much they mean to you. To all on VFTT thank you for all your help over the years and to Pedxing for helping me see how good the people on this site are to each other.

Pedxing, you've made an amazing recovery through an incredibly tough ordeal, and I'm very happy for you and your new bride. Keep up the fight, and maybe, hopefully, we'll meet somewhere on the trail.
Welcome back...

... there is nothing as moving as the kind of courage you displayed during the resuce in which you were injured. Welcome back. Thanks for the demonstration of courage in your fight to recover.

Thanks for being an inspiration, and a symbol of courage.

Wow! Y'all have really touched me with your support and kind words - it definitely makes me feel better as I begin the hard work of recovering on the outside after 3 months in the hospital.

As for Redbones, the drug cocktail I'm on makes alcohol verboten, but It would be good to meet up sometime. I also have trouble eating a lot of things due to damage during emergency intubation -hopefully that will continue to improve.
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So glad to see you back! I wish you continued recovery and congratulations on your recent marriage. Although we only met the one time at Redbones, you've been in my thoughts and prayers. I can't tell you how thrilled I am that you are doing so much better.

It will be one whopper of a hike the day you are back on the trail. I think we will all be looking forward to it and hoping for the best each step of the way until then.

All the best to you and your family,
Congratulations on your marriage!
I am thrilled that you've progressed so far. Just let me know and I'd be glad to be chauffeur again anytime. I think you left your ragg mittens in my car on that Pierce hike.

Thanks Audrey and Peri. I didn't have any ragg mittens with me - so they can't be mine.

Things continue to progress. I'm really lucky to be so close to Mt. Auburn Hospital - it makes the daily rehab appointments much easier to deal with.