nice ice self rescue link

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cantdog said:
This link has been around at least a couple of years and has already been posted this year on various forums. But it's so good it can never be viewed too many times. Everyone should study it before venturing out anywhere near ice, especially during this warm winter. Perhaps it should be made part of a safety "sticky".
wow! That was really neat. Where did that link come from?

"throw something to the victim... like an extension cord" :confused:
Maybe I just think too much about being in the backcountry, but that stuck me as funny. "You just wait here, I'll go get an extension cord!" :D
old ladder and rope

Thanks for that link. As a child I grew up on a lake and in the winter my father always had an old ladder and rope down at our dock, and he every year he would instruct us on safety and how to rescue someone if they had fallen through the ice.
Thanks C. I live on a lake and see the ice fishermen on the ice after a prolonged thaw. I almost dont want to watch them because if I saw one go thru the ice Id have to rescue them :(
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