Official Presi Traverse?

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Sep 6, 2003
Reaction score
New Hampshire
A group of us are going to try and dodge the thunderstorms and do a Presi traverse on Saturday and I would like some feedback on what constitutes an "official Presi traverse" I know this is somewhat subjective , but would appreciate a consensus.

Does Jackson need to be done or can you skip it and go straight down to the Notch?

Since Clay is not considered an official summit, do you need to bag it or can you skip it?

And most importantly is the coffee any good at 4 AM at the 24 hr convenience store by the Hiker's Paradise? :)
This is constantly a subject of debate. IMHO, a traverse of the Presidentials would hit all the peaks from Madison to Webster (including Clay and Franklin) and decend the Webster Cliff trail (not a fun one in the rain). This peaks are all considered part of the Presidential Range according to the White Mountain Guide and the USGS.

Of course, some people have other ideas but, the best idea is hike your own hike and play it safe. Know your escape routes and. by all means, get below treeline if the thunder and lightning start. Oh yeah, and have fun! :)
I think to be "official" you'd have to do the summits in the same order that the presidents served. And you'd have to get your ticket stamped by a ranger on top of each summit.

Good thing I don't make the rules. ;)
I say since it's not a Traverse of the Ridge with Mountains Named After Presidents, and it is the Presidential Traverse, Jackson and Webster don't count. Although I would bag Clay and Franklin since they're on the way!

Seriously though, watch out for the we all know, it can get nasty up there...
Knowing the group that is going they will want to hit Jackson and Webster unless the weather has turned. They would fell cheated if they missed some of the fun. Is the trail down from Webster significantly more difficult than Crawford, especially if wet?

The bail car will be in place, the escape routes planned, the sense of humor in the pack.
Hunter said:
Is the trail down from Webster significantly more difficult than Crawford, especially if wet?
Yup, it's a significantly more difficult descent, especially in the dark when you are bone tired.
The bail car will be in place, the escape routes planned, the sense of humor in the pack.
That's the most important part.

I'd vote against Webster and Jackson being official, the ridge feels like it ends at Pierce. But I'd definately add Pine Mountain to the north. :eek:

whoaaaaaaaaa Dave, Ill be the first to admitt your an ace with stats and such but Pine Mt !!! :mad: You got to be kidding me, now I have to do the Traverse again, these variations are getting out of hand :D
sierra said:
whoaaaaaaaaa Dave, Ill be the first to admitt your an ace with stats and such but Pine Mt !!! :mad: You got to be kidding me, now I have to do the Traverse again, these variations are getting out of hand
Tsk, tsk. You don't remember President Pine?

jfb said:
I think to be "official" you'd have to do the summits in the same order that the presidents served. And you'd have to get your ticket stamped by a ranger on top of each summit.

Good thing I don't make the rules. ;)

:D :D :D :D :D :D

You shoud hit Clay and Franklin since they are part of the Presidenatial Range but drop Jackson & Webster since there two no longer sit on the range but are part of the Presidential flats. That's how it feels as you traverse over from Mitzpah. If you ever make it over to Webster, you should have the decency and balls (uner your feet) to bushwack over to Crawford, who, as I understand it, was president of the local K of C for a brief period in 1882.
A longer discussion can be found at

Double Bow said:
IMHO, a traverse of the Presidentials would hit all the peaks from Madison to Webster (including Clay and Franklin) and decend the Webster Cliff trail (not a fun one in the rain).
You have still not answered my question about why you think it is necessary to hike the S extension over Webster but not the N extension over Osgood or Howker Ridge
We did the hike yesterday and hit all the required peaks with the exception of Webster and Jackson, instead heading straight down to Crawford. I'll post a trip report with more detail.

Oh and as a side note, the coffee at gas station next to Hikers Paradise is good!
Skip the non-presidential peaks?

If it's a "Presidential" Traverse, does that mean only the peaks named for presidents?
If so, you could skip Clay, Franklin, Jackson, and Webster.
Unless you think you need to climb Reagan.
(You could also skip Eisenhower and Pierce, if you still call them Pleasant and Clinton.)
Actually, you could skip Washington too, since it wasn't named for President Washington. (see "Forest and Crag, p. 21).