Pierce, Eisenhower, Monroe


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New member
Jan 31, 2005
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Well I'm rediculously tired and a little drunk, so we'll see how my first post on the trip reports goes...

Started hiking into Nauman at around 11:00 PM Friday night. Got to Mizpah around 1:00 and saw that it looks VERY freaky abandoned in the dark. Headed over and found the only other platform that wasn't covered in snow and set up the new half dome tent (which worked beautifully, by the way. Thank you everyone who told me to buy it). Talked to my friend Mike for about a half an hour about how cold we were, and then managed to pass out for awhile.

Got up around 10:00, cooked bagels and oatmeal, and began making the trek. Headed up Pierce and snagged it quickly (always nice when you start at 3400 feet), then kept heading on to Eisenhower. It was nice to be back on the presis, a range I had neglected for so long because I had done it awhile back and felt I should go for new things. The trip was a true reminder as to how breathtaking the range is...Anyway, got to Eisenhower fairly quickly, then realized that we had to continue and hit Monroe or we would definitely regret it, despite the fact that the rain clouds were looking closer and closer with every minute, along with a weather report that said showers around 3:00.

Buuuuut hey, we were feeling loose and good, so we headed to Monroe. Of course it turned into a bigger ordeal than it had to be, as we took the wrong trail and headed around Monroe and straight to Lakes of the Clouds. BIG mistake. Not only were we pissed we missed the trail, but the hike from Lakes back up the summit of Monroe was nice and steep, something we weren't happy about after so long a hike. Eventually we got there, ate some crackers, pepper jack, and roni, and booked it back towards Nauman. The rain amazingly never came, except in tiny spurts that resembled a prison guard with a UT infection. Seriously, folks, I'm here all night. We got back to Nauman around 6:00, and due to the gross weather report for Sunday, as well as a 60-member AMC family group thing staying at Mizpah that night (chock full of screaming children), we decided to pack up shop and run the hell outta there. That we did. Great trip, met good people, and all I have to say is thank god for cigarettes or we never woulda finished the trip alive!
Well, that, er, UT problem cleared up, and the rains came last night through now so you made the right decision in bagging it. Big day on Saturday! How was it from Ike down to the col at Franklin? Snow/ice gone down in there yet? I wanna go in my sneaks. Thanks for the report!
Nice report

Nice report...sounds like a good trip. I may be the only one but I prefer the hike up to Monroe from the Lakes side. I find the Little Monroe side to have some pretty tough scrambles.