Santanonis....WOW!!! 3/13/2010

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Dec 15, 2007
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Emmaus, PA
I'll throw in another trip report for the Santas. These peaks have been a long time coming for me, especially since I need them for my regular round. One failed attempt in early January and a planned trip that ended up falling through, I wasn't real sure if I'd ever make it!

Back before the Gathering I had done some corresponding with Dunbar and we had talked about going for all three. Well, school kept him busy and he couldn't make it. Then I got in touch with RTSpoons since he was doing Santa on Saturday for the Gathering. He agreed to go in for Couch and Panther with me on Friday and then we'd return Saturday for Santa. It turned out he had a family obligation and couldn't make it. He felt so bad that he told me he owed me these peaks at the Gathering. Well, I'd be stupid not to take him up on it! And...he's probably thinking he's stupid for telling me he'd go in there again! Adirobdack46r was with me on the failed attempt back in January so I let him know of the plans and fortunately he was able to make it back with us.

We got an early start, or late depending on who you hike with, at 6. The day was shaping up to be pretty nice considering what the forcast was. We were feeling pretty happy with that. We did make Ron wear his rain hat thinking that would hold the rain off and it worked. We made excellent time, for us, up to Herald Sqare. Who knows how fast Mike S., Felix and Marc Hoes made it up there! We were up there in only 3 hours and 15 minutes feeling great about the prospects of the day. Back in January it took me and Rob 8 hours and we were less than a half mile from Times Square. Off to Couch we went first. Holy maze!! There are literally tracks eveywhere! We followed some and were on and off them and occassionally feeling like we were on the herd path, but who knows. We were all over the place as I'm sure Marc Howes can attest to. We asked him if he followed our tracks and all he muttered was...."unfortunately." We squeezed through spruce, skirted bands of cliffs and it was just crazy. We finally reached the swamp and Ron and Rob knew the herd path was somewhere in the area, but we never found it. We again made our own route up Couch and I think it took us a little over three hours to get there. When we were coming down was when we ran into Marc Howes. He summited, we followed our original tracks back down to the swamp and there's Marc already down there, but never passed us. We asked how he got there and he said he followed the summer path and was going to try to figure out the summer path back to Herald Square. Crazy! We also met Mike S and Felix at the swamp. So...if you have plans for Couch in the near future be prepared for a bushwack. You're probally better off not trying to follow previous tracks because who knows where they go. Make your own route and just go for it.

We followed Marcs tracks back to Herald Square and he did a much better job than us of getting there! Thanks Marc. Off we went to Panther and it seemed like we were there in no time after the adventure of Couch. Much easier going. And oh yeah, the views were great all day!! Yeah, it wasn't bluebird but sometimes you need those high swirling clouds and wind to keep things interesting! The wind was really howling up high. A lot of my pics are out of focus because I coudn't stand still long enough to take a picture.

Back to Herald Square yet again, still feeling good, but getting later in the day. Had a quick snack and we were off for our final peak of the day. It was gonna be an Adirondack three bagger! Mike S and Felix passed us on the way up and they confirmed that they, like Marc, would be heading down the new/old trail. On top of Santa the clouds started rolling in with some sleet falling. It was basically just a touch of the summit and head down. We found the other guys tracks heading down and we were off. Somewhere along the line the tracks split up and we ended up following Marcs down a drainage. Ineresting route Marc! An adventure in every sense of the word. It was fun though and before we knew it we popped out right on the trail. Made it out to the road by dark where the light rain turned to sleet.

What a great day! It feels so good to get these peaks, especially in winter. This puts me at 41/46 for my regular round. Rob thanks to you and I'm glad you could make it for this trip! Big thanks to Ron for heading in there with me! Great guy all around...he had no need to head back in there again, but he did....just to help out a fellow hiker. Oh, by the way, Ron did say that now that he has been back to Couch he is officially starting his second round of the 46. He is currently making plans for the Sewards next weekend and anyone interested should get in touch with him.