Summer Hike Near Hereford, Maryland

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Very nice! What type of snake was that? Around here, we see garter snakes, and thats about it. When I lived down there, I came across 3 or 4 diff snakes, and I had no idea what type they I automatically assumed they were copperheads or rattlers....and ran. :eek:

Phil, there are about 15 different species of snakes in Maryland.
This one was a Northern water snake and it was sunning itself on a limb over the Gunpowder river. Sometimes when we see a non-poisonous snake I'll go up and grab it so that I can get a better picture. This happened a couple of weeks ago when we were bike riding the NCR trail and a large black snake was crossing the path. We stopped and before it could crawl into some brush I grabbed it by the tail. It assumed a defensive position and held it's ground. Donna always gets excited when I do that and will tell me to stop playing with the snake.:)

Those are some very nice pics! I see that camera pack isn't hiding a cheap point and shoot.

New Camera

Thanks Petch. We "graduated" to a Nikon Coolpix L120 (21x zoom, HD movie, 14 megapixals, vibration reduction...) after our Sony Cypershot was stolen back in April. It took a bit of time to get used to all the features as compared to the Sony.. Isn't that always the case with any new camera? It's a real fine camera.
Maybe having the Sony abscounded was a good thing afterall :D.