The Highs and Lows of your hiking

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Well-known member
May 17, 2005
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St-Bruno, Qc. Avatar: At Guyot Shelter
What are you good at (and not so good at)

While hiking, I always have a lot of food, water, etc. I'm always thinking about my feet position, how my knee bends so it's not going to hurt, how I use my poles, is my breathing efficient, stuff like that. I always plan my hikes with precision, I easily locate myself on the map and I always estimate when I will be back at the car. All this makes me feel smart about my hiking.

But at the same time, I realize that my boots are too tight, my backpack chest strap is not fastened, my mittens are too large, I don't have extra layers if I get wet, I forgot sunscreen, I don't drink and eat enough (that's why I always have too much), my extra batteries are 6 months old, never checked them, sometimes I find myself alone at night on remote trails, and I shouldn't be hiking anyway because I have a cold and I drank nine beers the evening before. Then I feel really stupid.

What are you good at and not so good at when hiking ?
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Highs: Being out there.
Lows: Being back at work wishing I was out there and not inside reading hiking forums.
Highs: The exercise, the views, the camaraderie, the challenges.

Lows: Buying gas for the drive over?
Highs: Forgeting how old I am during a hike, and feeling 20 years younger.
Lows: Forgeting how old I am after a hike, and feeling 20 years older.
(Especially when I take that first step out of the car after the ride home.)
The highs: the stories of friends, and watching them succeed and triumph in the mountains. Laughing with friends and enjoying life. Coming back with great memories and stories, and reliving those memories through stories, pictures, and phrases.

The lows: Some of the sad stories and events with which people have dealed. Also, the politics of people who refuse to get along with others and can't work things out, combined with people judging others.
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timmus said:
I don't drink and eat enough (that's why I always have too much)
That is a problem I can fix for you pretty easily.

My lows are only felt at the present time, never when I'm looking back at them ! I never regret anything because at some point, it made me learn something, and most of the time, it makes me laugh (don't be scared, I just don't do that much of stupid things anyway!!!). In fact, I even sometimes feel proud ie.: having an "epic" because I should have turned around looking at the weather :D

Too much highs to be described here...but beer definately helps ;)
Highs: Enjoying the company of others, taking in beautiful views, feeling at peace, getting a rush from pushing myself physically, giving in to my sense of exploration and adventure.

Lows: Waiting for the next trail day, observing sprawl, people with egos bigger than the mountains, litter.
Rik said:
Highs: Being out there.
Lows: Being back at work wishing I was out there and not inside reading hiking forums.
That's pretty much it for me.

A low out there is a story in here, if I even consider it a low.
timmus said:
ometimes ... I shouldn't be hiking anyway because ... I drank nine beers the evening before.

High: Drinking the nine beers the night before a hike.
Low: Starting a hike wondering why I drank nine beers the night before.
High: Finishing the hike thinking about drinking nine more beers ....

It's a vicious cycle.
My highs are: enjoying the views, getting to the summit, getting back to the car in one piece, reflecting on the day with my family and friends!

My low's are those damn nine beers the night before :D :D !

timmus said:
. I'm always thinking about my feet position, how my knee bends so it's not going to hurt, how I use my poles, is my breathing efficient, stuff like that. I always plan my hikes with precision, I easily locate myself on the map and I always estimate when I will be back at the car. All this makes me feel smart about my hiking.
I realize that my boots are too tight, my backpack chest strap is not fastened, my mittens are too large, I don't have extra layers if I get wet, I forgot sunscreen, I don't drink and eat enough (that's why I always have too much), my extra batteries are 6 months old, never checked them, sometimes I find myself alone at night on remote trails, and I shouldn't be hiking anyway because I have a cold and I drank nine beers the evening before. Then I feel really stupid.
:eek: AHHHHH!!! TOO MUCH THINKING !!! You're an Artist !!! Batteries are ALWAYS 6 months old, your knees are fine, BREATHING ??? You don't need to think about BREATHING !!! Eat when you're hungry and drink when you're thirsty. Stupid ??? You're out there doing it ! Your friends at home are stupid for letting you go out by yourself. That's the only thing wrong here I can see, solo'ing can be a bit depressing, too much time to THINK. :cool:
When I start thinking about where I place my poles and feet on each step, it's usually a sign (for me, anyway, not sure why) that I'm getting tired or starting to dehydrate.

Chip said:
... Eat when you're hungry and drink when you're thirsty.

I know your comment was tongue in cheek, but you really need to discipline yourself to eat and drink when hiking, especially in the Winter.

Hi: The AMC Awards dinner last year (I finished the 115s, 67s, and 48s), with a tres cool bunch of friends, and a special LAdY.

Lo: Losing my mother last year, quite suddenly. Good bye mom, we miss you.


[5 minutes and lots of tears later]


Wow, that just came pouring out. Thank you Timmus for helping me express that.
dms said:
highs, getting near the end of the list
lows, getting near the end of the list

I have a different take on that for me:

High: getting near the end of the list
High: being free of lists! :D
Chip said:
only thing wrong here I can see, solo'ing can be a bit depressing, too much time to THINK:
Not for me. I solo a LOT (although my wife has been encouraging me to go with others, since my last accident) Nothing like a multi-day solo trip.. mid-week and off season.

Uhhh Timmus... When you're down for trailwork in May, ask me to show you what's in my 'emergency sack' You'll find 3 year old spare batteries, ski wax (in summer), a 5 year old power bar...

Back to the thread... My lows are probably when I forget things (which I am fameous for) FOrgetting a sleeping bag, on an overnight trip, forgetting my lunch on a day trip, forgetting my water bottles, etc.
Tom Rankin said:
Wow, that just came pouring out. Thank you Timmus for helping me express that.

Hey, what are forums for ;) Sorry to hear about it.

Obviously, I choose the wrong expression (highs and lows) to ask my question. You see, I am just a french canadian sweetie (Neil said it, not me).

What I really meant, is what are you good at and what are you not-so-good-at when going hiking. I think it is more clear like that... Sorry for the misunderstood :eek:
Highs: Savoring the soft and subtle breezes that waft lazily through the inviting forest as I make my way to a distant summit or back country campsite unencumbered by society’s demands while accompanied only by my inner most thoughts.

Lows: Every other time.