weather reserch area parking on whiteface

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Sep 4, 2003
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Oswego NY on the river
weather research area parking on whiteface

When I climbed Whiteface and Esther, I went in from the reservoir. Is this the same as the weather research parking area? I'm on short notice, and I need to know. Anybody in vfttland know? Go to wilmington, hang a left up the road towrds the toll road, park in the little dirt area?
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Doug, the Atmospheric Research parking area is a ways up the same road from the reservoir parking area. You keep going up the hill towards the toll road and you can't miss the sign on the left. Good luck on your group hike.

They are different, but on the same road. From the latest ADK book:

1. Wilmington Trailhead: "This trail branches L from the Whiteface Mt. Memorial Highway 0.6 mi from Rt. 86 in Wilmington on a dirt road marked with a small DEC sign. At the Town of Wilmington reservoir, 0.2 mi up this road, there is a parking area on the L. (Ongoing improvements to the Town of Wilmington water system may result in further change at this trailhead, so be prepared to look for and obey any signs regarding parking and access.)

2. Old Marble Mt. Ski Area Approach to Wilmington Trail: "An unofficial and unmarked variation to the Wilmington Trail starts at the Atmospheric Sciences Research center 2.4 mi up the Whiteface Mt. Memorial Highway. Highers should drive around the turnaround and park at the designated hiker parking, located on the R at an old road, 0.6 mi from the highway. Head down this road a few yards, turn L, and descend to a radio tower at the base of the old T-bar lift, which is followed almost to the top of marble Mt. The route turns R just before the top and in a few yards joins the Wilmington Trail (trail 82). This route has no official signs or markers (save a sign directing hikers where to park), and the turnoff to the Wilmington Trail can be hard to find on the descent."

We've done both, and the 2nd one, unmarked but obvious, is shorter and easier, IMO. These two trails meet about 2 miles up the Wilmington route (end of Marble Mt. route). When we did it, there was a cairn marking the junction that was not hard to find.

Dick (rhihn)