Can you drive to Success Pond?

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May 26, 2015
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Brattleboro, Vermont
Is Success Pond Rd (NH) open and can you get up to Success Pond (or the immediate area near it)?
There have been some storms lately, so I figured I'd just check first.
Thanks a lot!
I was up there last weekend (8/20). I didn't go all the way to the pond but Success Pond Rd is heavily traveled and wide enough for 2 cars. I assume, anything that may have fallen would get cleaned up fairly quickly.
I drove it today. Definitely go from the RT26 side. Success pond rd on that end is called North road. Its an ATV trail, but easy enough to drive with a car. Once you cross the Maine border into NH, the road becomes a bit more rough and dirt, rather than gravel, but still well traveled.
I believe Success Pond Road is called York Pond Road on the ME side of the border. North Road goes, well, north from a junction before you get to York Pond. I believe that there was a wash out near York Pond and the road was never reopened. So when you get to the junction you head north on North Road to get to 26. Yes, it is also used for snowmobile traffic in the winter. You can ride across 26 and up to Umbagog, South Arm (Lake Richardson) and points north from there (Richardson, Oquossoc, Aziscohos, Rangley, Eustis, etc.).
I believe Success Pond Road is called York Pond Road on the ME side of the border. North Road goes, well, north from a junction before you get to York Pond. I believe that there was a wash out near York Pond and the road was never reopened. So when you get to the junction you head north on North Road to get to 26. Yes, it is also used for snowmobile traffic in the winter. You can ride across 26 and up to Umbagog, South Arm (Lake Richardson) and points north from there (Richardson, Oquossoc, Aziscohos, Rangley, Eustis, etc.).

From the NH side, its splits off onto York Pond road, but its still barricaded off. From the Maine side, I can't remember if there were signs, or not, because I wasn't headed that way. When you come to Success Pond road from the Maine side, its a 270 right degree turn to head towards Success Pond. Its pretty close to the ME/NH border. I got the friendly "Welcome to Maine" when we crossed in the middle of the woods from my GPS.
As of today September 10th from the Berlin side, Success Pond Road will be closed to thru traffic after the Goose Eye/Carlo Col Trailhead..a very out of the way to reach Success Pond and Speck Pond trailhead would be to go to Milan/Dummer NH East Side River Road to Hill Road to Blake Road then follow signs on dirt roads..or access via Rt. 26 in Maine...supposedly til Sept 26...will update as info becomes available..
Sorry a little late updating, as of Oct 2 Success Pond Road is now fully open from both Berlin side and Maine Rt. 26 was plugged near the Notch Trailhead for bridge work, all done.