Cutting blazes on Couchsachraga

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Pete_Hickey said:
Easy to confirm. If it was for returning, the blazes are on the backs of the trees (as heading in).

Why post about it if it was because of being scared? Nahh. You carry a machette and use it when you want to TAME the wilderness. John Wayne. Tarzan. Big strong guy!

"I fought the wilderness, and I won. And now, because of what I did, you won't have such a tough time."

"Gee, thanks, kind sir."

Rik, You're younger than I, and you didn't grow up with those Saturday Matinee shows, with all the heros chopping and blazing trails. You probably don't watch "The Cheesy Movie Chanel" either, but in some small towns, that may be all that may be all that comes in. People can be brainwashed by that.

Or maybe Army Survival manuals. They don't practice LNT, and they're getting popular these days. Go talk to your local Rambo-wanabe, and ask him what he knows about finding your way through the forest, and I'll bet blazing is the first thing that comes up.

Some people just read different books and watch different movies.

My impression was that there are blazes on both sides (someone please correct me if I'm mistaken).
When I see/hear macho I usually see it as a thin veil for really scared inside.
And I agree that what he was doing was his version of "finding his way through the forest".
teejay said:
I remember it well, almost 4 years ago today, I climbed Tabletop. Karl Et Danny S had "conquered" it a few days earlier and they left a reminder of their proud achievement in the form of scratches on the summit rock announcing "#98/117". There was quite a furor at the time and within a week or two they claimed to have reclimbed it and rubbed out the scratches with some sand.


teejay, I know very well Karl and Danny. They didn't "claimed" to have reclimbed it and rubbed out the scratches, they actually DID it. Karl honestly thought the rain would erase the scratches within one week. When he began to receive agressive emails, he called me at 11h PM, almost crying, as hiking is a big part of his life. He slept very bad for one week until he and his brother went back on the next saturday to clean their mess, which was far more "cleanable" than axe cuts...

So please stop your condescending tone I can feel here (maybe I'm wrong, if so please clarify). You certainly were very "proud" too when you climbed your first peaks. This episode is still a nightmare for Karl. He committed a mistake, he realized it, he did all he could to put things out (he showed me a picture of the rock: everything was erased, absolutely no trace left) and he learned a lot about it.

By the way, KEDS means Karl Etienne Danny Sylvain, the first 4 members of this hiking buddy's club. I'm somehow involved in this "club" now, but I was not when these events came out.
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jbrown said:
I'll give you an example of my teaching philosophy: When belaying on the climbing wall up at our camp, I'll go through a safety check with the kids including NOT stepping on my rope. First time is a freebie, they get a gentle reminder NOT to step on my rope. If it happens again, they do 25 push-ups. If they stepped on my rope and I gave them the gentle reminder and they chose to then attack me verbally and challenge my rule...well, it hasn't happened, but I'd have to kick their little keister off my rope and off the wall and ask them not to come back. Who cares if the poor little darling gets a little embarassed in front of everyone.

So who cares if we're a little harsh on the tree killer? He's lucky there are no Ents in the Dacks.

I don't care that we were a little harsh on the "tree killer", however, I do care, as do many others in this post, about the damage he might cause not having been taught about LNT correctly. Chances are quite good now that he'll continue to hack trees, perhaps out of spite if not out of a lack of understanding, that he might have gotten here.

Such is the plight of your student who now no longer has the opportunity to learn from your knowledge as a climber. All he has learned is that climbing instructers are harsh. He didn't learn the right way and I hope he didn't try to learn on his own.
Perhaps GNR... You certainly make a good point.

However in this case, the person has actually came forward and basically gave everyone a public (and private in some cases) "eff you, I live here, I'll do what I want" response that torqued enough people that the DEC has been contacted by many sources and there is a directed effort that will direct them into some type of response.

So perhaps if he did not take our relative "gentle" method, he'll learn a little better via official channels.

Hey I admit, perhaps I was a big a-hole for starting this thread in the first place. I can live with that. Surprise, surprise, it ain't the first time I've been accused of that :cool: . But on the other hand, if you think I can sit by and listen to some blow hard brag about "Paul Bunyan'ing" his a$$ to the top of the Santanoni Range and not say something.......... I just can't.

I sorry if that offends anyone, I really am . :(
mavs00 said:
Hey I admit, perhaps I was a big a-hole for starting this thread in the first place. I can live with that. Surprise, surprise, it ain't the first time I've been accused of that :cool: . But on the other hand, if you think I can sit by and listen to some blow hard brag about "Paul Bunyan'ing" his a$$ to the top of the Santanoni Range and not say something.......... I just can't.

I sorry if that offends anyone, I really am . :(

Hey Tim, I don't think you are a A-Hole for starting this thread. We all have to add our opinions of what we think of him and the actions he took, getting to the top of Couchsachraga. If we let him get away with his actions, he will do it again or someone else will have the impression, "if he can get away with it, so can't I."
I personally don't think you are an a-hole, and I don't even know you ;)

I think if the hacker reacted differently, this would have gone a different direction.
GNR said:
[machete-boy] didn't learn the right way and I hope he didn't try to learn on his own.

Machete-boy learned the wrong way while he learned the ins and outs of the criminal justice system in North Carolina. He's a punk. Period.

Pete_Hickey said:
One thing to realize, is that the guy THOUGHT he was doing a good deed. He didn't do it for himself, he was doing it to make things easier for others.

I believe machete-boy knew exactly what he was doing ... inflicting damage on trees for some selfish perverted reason that we'll never understand.

mavs00 said:
[P]erhaps I was a big a-hole for starting this thread in the first place.

No, we know who the a-hole is.
As promised, I'm following up for those who'd written to ask about the disposition of this vandalism incident. On Thursday, 9/21, the perp agreed to pay a civil fine of $1,500.

From Investigating Ranger Scott VanLaer: "The Dude and the DEC agreed on a civil compromise and he paid $1,500 in fines on Thursday."

People are free to comment. Please do so in a way that doesn't force the moderators to step back in and delete posts.
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Thank you for reopening this thread and providing the follow-up. I implore posters to keep the thread viable, as it is (possibly) an outstanding method of public education and discourse.

While I would have argued for some sweat-equity labor service (which I believe really reinforces good education), I think this was a measured response by the state. The good that can come of this incident now lies in the education people can glean on how to behave while on others' turf.

Thanks again!