Do you remember when......?

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dms said:
There were no conga lines on Lincoln-Lafayette

I don't know what you are talking about. Yesterday, I hike from Franconia Ridge from Lafayette to Little Haystack and we only saw two other people. I still like that subzero temperatures and 50 mph winds still scares people away from the mountains. I wonder if that will change when i get old.
Sometimes its what people say that make you feel old. I gave up hiking for afew years and became rockjock, anywho,I met this chick(whoops,lady) and she said she was going hiking at Lincoln Woods, I responded "where the heck is that" we then realized she was actually going to the Wilderness trail. :eek:
Did you mean lexicon as in phhhfffttt which typically follows a meal of dark legumes? Remember when you had to soak them overnight? :p
Kevin Rooney said:
Aw SK, you Berliners were just wussies...We got the same amount of snow as Berlin - just tougher I guess!...
Kevin, the only reason school was cancelled was so we could all pitch in to shovel off the roofs so they wouldn't cave in. There was so much snow that to feed my hunting dog I would go out the front door, over the roof, down the other side, and feed the dog. It was amazing!

Wussies? I walked to school while you guys rode the bus :) I remember coming home one day (I was about 9 at the time) and my Dad casually mentioned that Berlin had recorded the lowest temperature ever in the lower 48! Berlin can be one cold place in the winter.
Dugan said:
How 'bout when vftt was lexicom?

Yep, I was browsing during my frosh year in college, circa Sept. 1995, back before every company had a website. I wish I registered back then...

From the ones I can remember:
The Osceola fire tower (mentioned earlier)
The Mt. Watatic Fire Tower
Drinking from "trusted" streams.
Staying a night at Camp 16.
The shelter at Camp Rich.
Trying to find the start of the Libery Springs trail when the parkway was being built.
When you had to wonder about available shelter space, but never parking space.

I remember driving north through Franconia Notch in the winter and wondering why there were cars along the road and sometimes even seeing people walking into the woods with HUGE packs. There was no parking lot there. Where were they going and why? And baby it was cold outside.
SherpaKroto said:
Wussies? I walked to school while you guys rode the bus :) I remember coming home one day (I was about 9 at the time) and my Dad casually mentioned that Berlin had recorded the lowest temperature ever in the lower 48! Berlin can be one cold place in the winter.
I hear you, SK. One of the first things I'd do in the morning was check the temperature. Minus 30F was not uncommon, and the coldest I recall seeing was -44F. As for snow depths - am not sure the records actually bear this out, but it sure SEEMED like we got more snow. Maybe because we were short people still, or the state highway guys didn't have the equipment to wing the snow back, but ... not being able to see the cars on the state highway wasn't uncommon after February - just the radio antennas.

The village water supply often froze because they had laid the pipes on the edge of the state highway when it was rebuilt in the 1940's. The pipes were down 5', but the frost often went down 6. Since there no actual employees, only volunteers, and perhaps 25 families sharing the water supply, one of the town fathers would traipse into your basement with one end of a very long welding cable and attach it to the pipe coming into your basement, and the other end would be up the street just beyond the point where it had frozen. The electrical resistance would warm the pipes just enough to break it free, and as soon as the water started to run again you'd run up the street to let them know. One very cold winter it froze in late January and couldn't be thawed again until early May. I made a few $$ that winter hauling water in my cart using a 10 gallon milk can.

I remember driving thru Berlin a few times in the late 50's/early 60's. My mother always made a point of showing us where our Dad had had ski-jumped. She go to watch him in the days (late 1930's) when he taught school in Union Village (near Thetford).
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I drink from most of the streams too. I own a filter but I use it less and less as I bushwhack more and more. Nothing like sticking your whole head in and inhaling a gastric pouchfull.

Go ahead Bruno, start a thread on filter pore size and pathogenic microbes.

I remember when...I could remember stuff.