Michelle Kingsbury Red Lines the Whites


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B the Hiker

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Jan 31, 2008
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Middletown, CT
I'm a bit behind on some things. No disrespect meant!

Below is from Ed Hawkins, sent on August 25.


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Hi to All

On Saturday, August 24, 2013, Michelle Kingsbury became the
"NINETEENTH" ( #19 ) person to "RED-LINE" all the trails in the "AMC
White Mountain Guide" ( 29TH Edition ).

Michelle has now walked every trail in the AMC White Mouintain Guide.

Michelle's finish was on the Percy Loop Trail. On a nice loop hike,
South to North, over both Percy peaks.

Michelle was joined on this day by her long time boy friend
"Neighbor" Dave, her dad, David, and a large complement
of friends & well wishers, for both the hike and the follow-up
tailgate party.


I know you will all join me in congratulations to Michelle on her completion
of this fun & rewarding goal & achievement.

Special Note: On this day, Ivan, the trail maintainer for this trail,
replaced the Percy Loop trail sign.

He presented it to Michelle at day's end.

Very neat!!!!!!


And, take care

Way to go Michelle!! Priscilla and I (plus all your other hiker friends) really enjoyed some of the trails with you and we value your friendship!!
Congratulations - the closer I get to finishing my redlining, the more I appreciate the accomplishment! Yay!!
Thanks :) It was a great day all around on Percy Peaks! Just one of those perfect days for a finish! :)

The many trail adventures with many friends over the years have been a blast and I couldn't have done it alone!