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Sep 6, 2003
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New Hampshire
I am thinking of going up the Glenside trail. I know there is a fair amount of snow higher up, but was wondering if anyone had been up this week and what the conditions were.

Didn't see anyone post yet. If not Moosilauke, how about the Kinsmans or Cannon?
I'm heading up Gorge Brook tomorrow, I called someone who runs the lodge to see if the Ravine rd is open and they said it's probably snow covered but is ungated. From what I've seen the Presidentials and Eastern Whites got more than the Western Whites but I'm bringing snowshoes anyway.
I am hoping to head and be on the summit around noon, my crew has a hard time getting going in the morning so I don't anticipate hitting the trail before 9 AM. Maybe will see you up there.
Cannon got a bunch of snow (14'+), so my bet is that Moosilauke did as well.

Have fun!
I am going up Glenncliff tuesday night

I would appreciate some feed back on trail conditions and whether or not we need snowshoes. thanks and have fun!
Seeker's got it right, it would be wise to bring them. You may or may not need them, depending on drifts and if others have broken things out, but the ridge is notorious for holding deep pockets of snow. You'll be sorry if you need them and don't have them.

I would have been one unhappy camper if I didn't have mine on Tecumseh today. 2-3' of snow at 4,000'
Yeah, I hate to carry them, but I would hate to post hole all along the ridge if I'd didn't bring the snow shoes
Did you go up Moosilauke?

I am looking for a trail report today. I go up tomorrow night
I was on Moosilauke yesterday... Gorge Brook, Carriage Rd and Snapper trails were all well-packed. Glencliff (at the top at least) also looked well trod, though I didn't follow it very far, so I can't say how it was at the bottom.

We had snowshoes and crampons but didn't need either one, especially since the temperatures were so warm yesterday. There was about a foot of snow above 3,000 feet and if they hit freezing temperatures you may want crampons on insteps. If the weather continues to be warm, you won't need them.

- Ivy
We went up Saturday, snow covered the trail in various degrees from the trailhead up to the summit. We ended up bare booting, but many had their snow shoes out and they would have been helpful on the ridge up to the summit, but not essential. It was, however, an absolutely beutiful day to take the kids up to see the snow and gave us all a taste of things to come!
Glencliff and Hurricane Trail Loop

Great trip! We hiked up Glencliff Trail to Mt. Mossilauke Tuesday. A solid foot and half of snow on the upper part of Glencliff trail, but melting fast. The weather was great with a south wind. Views on top were excellent.

We hiked down to the intersection of Carriage Road and Hurricane Trail. I was amazed that we could not find a suitable campsite. We spent an hour looking to no avail. We ending up creating a site.

I liked the hike up Hurricane trail to Hurricane Mountain. I thought there was a view at the top but i did not find any. The ecosystem in place up there was beautiful. I got the impression that this trail was not climbed regularly.

Actually, camping is allowed south of the intersection of Hurricane trail and Carriage road, which is where we camped.