Osceola, East Osceola (6/5) and Mt Martha, Owls Head cliffs (6/6)


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New member
Sep 4, 2003
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Epping, NH
Went up on Friday night to meet Darren and Meihoff at Osceola Vista Campground. Saturday, John joined us for a hike over Osceola and East Osceola. On my recommendation, we went down to Greely Ponds and then out to Livermore. Lacking any cars to hitch a ride (and since it was my idea) I started to run back to the cars. Fortunately, I was picked up in short notice and able to extract the team back up Tripoli road.

Saturday night was another fine dinner at Woodstock, followed by a few brews at the Franconia Notch Brewery in Littleton. Sunday, the four of us headed up Mt Martha and over to Owls Head. The view from the cliffs there was one of the finest that I have ever seen of the Presidentials. You could see Madison, Adams 4, Adams, jefferson, Clay, Washington, Monroe, Franklin, Ike and Pierce. Just incredible.

Photos here:

Papa Bear said:
But what, may I ask, is going on in that Avatar of yours?
Looks like his front wheel hit a rock and rather abruptly stopped. Not sure how it popped up in the air after that but crashes happen so quickly... :eek:

Great running into you at Woodstock Station. Nice pix, it was a fine day to be in the mountains, wasn't it?

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David Metsky said:

Looks like his front wheel hit a rock and rather abruptly stopped.

Great to see you too, Dave. I wish that we had more time to hang out, but we were already late for the brewfest in Littleton. Excellent beer, BTW - they even had a brown ale conditioned in an old Jim Beam whiskey barrel. Yum.

Actually, I was preparing to drop over a rock that was about 18" high. In case you can't guess, I am no good at drops. What you need to do is pedal over the rock, pulling up your front wheel while still pedaling. That way, when you "fall" off the rock, both wheels hit at the same time.

I was attempting this and my buddy had my camera. What I actually did resembled nothing like what you are supposed to do. But I did get a great shot out of the deal. And no broken bones.
Had an awesome time this weekend with Miehoff (fri night), John, Chomp, and VSA. Great hike on over the Osceolas and ditto on Chomps comments on Cherry Mtn...awesome view of the presies and crawford notch. I haven't been able to post my pic yet, but I'll try to get to it soon.

As for Chomp's avatar, it's what is called an "endo", which requires the rider to fly airborne completely over the handlebars. It's a very exciting maneuver. :p

- d
It was a great weekend. Sunday’s sunshine and the view from Owl’s Head were very pleasant surprises.

Darren, I’m hoping the pic is that incredible view of the whole range from Madison to Webster!
I must have just missed you guys. I drove up over Tripoli on the way to the Woodstock around 2:15 on Saturday. Had a quick one, then headed off for Falling Waters.

I figured Chomp was just demonstrating how he drinks directly from the stresm - no filtration needed ;)

I'll run into you guys eventually. The woods ain't big enough to avoid that !
Looks like you folk had a fine time...great pictures.
I've was over on 115 heading up to do the Kilkenny and thinking I really should check out Owls head.... now it's even more tempting.
We almost ran into each other. The other hike that we were considering was the Horn from South Pond. Mt Martha (Cherry Mountain) is no joke, either. Its a short hike, but nearly 2000 feet up from the road.
good times

What a great week end! It was nice to meet new playmates, hope to see you again soon.
If the weather holds, Chomp and I are headed for the bonds this week end.
Good rest of the week to all of you.
