Probably a bad time to plan hikes up in the Kilkenny area (Mt Cabot, Horn, Unknown Pond, Rogers Ledge). Its not a discreet date, so folks will start arriving day before and then taper off.
Not sure exactly where they will end up. Most drive to the location from all over and usually the spots selected are off of National Forest fire roads usually near areas with open spots like recently logged areas. I could guess, Bog Dam Loop road or off of Mill Brook road to the north?. The bummer is the reputation is Leave No Trace is not typically followed and with no one in charge, its usually requires a major clean up effort after the event despite some folks in the group trying to minimize the impact. As the press release indicates, the FS regards these as major incidents and one approach is to choke off access.
I do not know the last time there was one in the WMNF, I think there was one long ago at the end of Sawyer River road.
Not sure exactly where they will end up. Most drive to the location from all over and usually the spots selected are off of National Forest fire roads usually near areas with open spots like recently logged areas. I could guess, Bog Dam Loop road or off of Mill Brook road to the north?. The bummer is the reputation is Leave No Trace is not typically followed and with no one in charge, its usually requires a major clean up effort after the event despite some folks in the group trying to minimize the impact. As the press release indicates, the FS regards these as major incidents and one approach is to choke off access.
I do not know the last time there was one in the WMNF, I think there was one long ago at the end of Sawyer River road.