Unnamed Readsboro(Cemetery Pk) & Unnamed Branch Pond Mt


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Well-known member
Sep 3, 2003
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Near the Adirondack Blue Line
Fighting the tail end of a bad cold, decided to pick a couple of easy whacks in southern VT.
Began by parking across from the cemetery and Bookah and I walked the road a short distance to the GMNF property line. Really easy whack up Readsboro. Some shinhobble in the upper reaches but the woods were a snap to travel thru. The entire summit ridge is loaded with Moose sign and piles and piles of 'pebbles'. Once midway across the ridge, encountered an ATV path that climbed just past the true summit. Finding the jar was easy. Rather than hike right back, decided to explore the summit ridge. Headed over to the 2 northern subsummits hoping to get a closer peek at the wind farm. Got to the first antenna, but the windvanes were much farther down the ridge. After poking around a lot, 'whacked back to the car.
After feeding the pooch, it was off to the Arlington - West Wardsboro Rd. Saddled back up again and Bookah and I were off on the Branch Pond trail. We took the trail to the highest point below the summit and then made the arduous 0.15 mile whack to the summit jar. The is another small converted water bottle hanging from the summit tree. No register inside.
The glass jar was on the ground without a hanger. I resharpened the pencils and then rehung the glass jar. Nate replaced the register in August, but the older pages were in a separate baggie, sodden and destroyed unless they get dried out somehow.

Fun to again names in both registers from so many hikers from VFTT: Onestep, Albee, Roy, Nate, Spruce Grouch, Postrboy, Pamola, Marc and others.

Apologies for no titles and sideways photos. The edit didn't work. All but the last 2 photos are on Unnamed Readsboro(aka Cemetery Peak). The windfarm is located above the cemetery for which the mountain is named. The damaged tree is the first moose rub I've ever seen. Head high, like a deer rub only taller and bigger.
The ATV path is the one I came across on the summit ridge of Readsboro.

And thanks to Spruce Grouch for info on parking locale for Readsboro.
It does appear that the tree cutting and surveyor's tapes all over the summit of Readsboro indicates that maybe there are plans to expand the windfarm. I spent quite a bit of time hoping to get a close up view of the windfarm from the woods. Whacking to the northern summits didn't do it as the windvanes are farther down the ridge. I found the sign at the access road interesting. States that tours can be arranged, but no trespassing up the road in order to prevent personal injury(understandable) and to prevent upsetting the fauna???
It does appear that the tree cutting and surveyor's tapes all over the summit of Readsboro indicates that maybe there are plans to expand the windfarm....States that tours can be arranged, but no trespassing up the road in order to prevent personal injury(understandable) and to prevent upsetting the fauna???
There is another note on this, unless the FS gets enough letters access to this peak will be forbidden in the future unless you go on a group tour. Bears are the excuse used by the extreme group that would prefer no people at all.
Bears. A joke! They want to keep those dirty bushwhackers at bay!

Curious Peakbagr if the rgister now has a notebook. The last time i was up there the register had a discarded map page that many folks signed due to the lack of a notepad...I approached from Rte 8 from the SW to avoid all the posted signs ;)
