Whiteface and Esther 12/28


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Tom Rankin

Well-known member
Sep 28, 2004
Reaction score
Bloomville, New York
We started out at 6:45 from the ARC. It was still a little dark,

(Warning, some of the pictures are big!)


But we did not need headlights. We walked down the short path to the dirt road and then to the base of Marble mountain. From here we started walking slowly up the slope. We had done a hike the day before, so we were in no hurry. The trail was well broken out all the way to the summit of Whiteface. The sun rose and we could see pink light on the side of Esther as we climbed. We also saw a sun dog, an almost complete 23 degree arc with a tangent arc, and another arc high up in the sky!

We were surprised to find that we had climbed 1000' up to the 'summit' of Marble mountain after an hour. We took a quick break and kept going. Soon, we could see off to the East, all the way to Mt. Mansfield!


After another hour, still at what seemed a slow pace, we were amazed that we had climbed another 1000' of elevation! During this part, we found rabbit tracks that led a short way off the trail to an apple core! Leave no Trace! :D

The 3rd hour saw us still moving forward, but not gaining more than 200' of elevation. The trail levels out here and passes the herd path to Esther. It was not broken out, so we decided to leave it for the return trip, and see if we still felt up to doing it. From here, we could see Whiteface in the distance.


The 4th hour, we gained the summit of Whiteface. Just before we came out on the road, we put on more gear, expecting it to be windy. While walking up the road, a snowmobile passed us and waved. It went to the building at the end of the road, and turned around. When it got back to the elevator, it stopped. It turned out to be a caretaker, who explained why he was draining water out of the elevator entrance with a garden hose! He also mentioned that the temperatures were causing a 'looming' effect, allowing the Green Mountains to look much closer. We agreed, they did look very large and close by! We chatted briefly and continued up to the building and then the stairs.

From the road up to the summit, Whiteface was just that! A white ice and snow mixture covered almost every single square inch of the mountain! In some places it was over a foot 'thick'. I say 'thick' because it did not form vertically, it formed horizontally. The winds must have been pretty severe to deposit this much ice. There was a frozen porcupine-like structure 'clinging' to a pole, that I said I was going to photograph on the way down, but we went back a different route! Dang!

http://home.hvc.rr.com/trankin/sign1.jpg - First sign
http://home.hvc.rr.com/trankin/summit2.jpg - Road to the tower
http://home.hvc.rr.com/trankin/summit3.JPG - Sewards (?) above the fog
http://home.hvc.rr.com/trankin/summit4.jpg - Steps to the Sky
http://home.hvc.rr.com/trankin/summit5.jpg - MacIntyres
http://home.hvc.rr.com/trankin/summit6.jpg - Amazing summit sign
http://home.hvc.rr.com/trankin/lakeplacid.jpg - Lake Placid

The views were spectacular. We could see fog down low, but there were mountains in all directions. After a quick bite to eat, we headed back down the real trail to where it meets the road. It was steep but broken out just a few minutes before by a man who said he was leading a group that we never saw. :confused:

Anyway, we walked back to the herd path for Esther and were delighted to see it was now somewhat broken out! Woo hoo! :D We started up and after about 15 minutes, we caught up with the trailbreaker, who was making multiple false trails. We got out the map and compass and started to consult the holy oracles. Just then 3 more people showed up! Now, at least we were 6 people lost in the woods instead of 1! :D We quickly figured out which trail to take, and slogged up to the summit, taking turns (sort of) breaking trail. John ended up doing most of the work from here on, Thanks! And thanks to the first guy too! :D We were now getting soaked by the trees, as they were raining ice and water down on us in large amounts. The temperature had risen just enough to allow us this pleasure! I didn't take any pics up here, because we had dropped out packs at the junction. :( In retrospect, it was probably a good idea not to subject it to so much moisture! Here's one from Whiteface:


After this, it was just retracing our steps, back to the car and a hot shower at the motel, and some fabulous new STrEAM Beer at LPPB! :D
Great report and photos. The ice on the summit sign and building are impressive. Can't wait until the "Winter Weekend" to put the shoes back on and make tracks. Doing a short hike today around Oak Mountain in Speculator, but it will be nothing compared to what you saw! Lance
Thanks for that report Tom. I and a few others are planning on doing Esther and Whiteface tomorrow, so it's nice to know what to expect.
Did the toll road look skiable or would it be just a sheet of ice and asphault by now? Knowing the trail over Marble is well groomed thanks to you guys, we may well do that instead.

Thanks again! Nice pictures too!

prino said:
Thanks for that report Tom. I and a few others are planning on doing Esther and Whiteface tomorrow, so it's nice to know what to expect.
Did the toll road look skiable or would it be just a sheet of ice and asphault by now? Knowing the trail over Marble is well groomed thanks to you guys, we may well do that instead.

Thanks again! Nice pictures too!


I met a skier who said that the road was 'not too bad'. I do not ski, so I really can't comment, but he was 95% of the way up and seemed to be making good, steady progress.
Hi Tom,

That was me that you saw at the top. I could not tell that was you with most of your face covered. The others in the group stayed on the road when I took the trail. It took them about 10 more minutes to get to the top. As you could see I am soooo out of shape. I plan on more trips so I started running today. Happy to hear you made the trip to Esther.
The picture are great, I just love the view of Lake Placid from Whiteface. Do you have a VFTT patch on your pack I did not see one. I almost asked you if you liked the View From The Top.

Phil, the road was very skiable on the 28th. There were a few spots (mostly on the hairpin turns) that there was some pavement. If there was not must melting on the 29th it should be a good ski.
Mark Driscoll said:
Hi Tom,

Phil, the road was very skiable on the 28th. There were a few spots (mostly on the hairpin turns) that there was some pavement. If there was not must melting on the 29th it should be a good ski.

Thanks Mark, I think we'll ski the road then.... it makes for a speedy and fun return.

"steps to the sky"

Impressive pics, I especially love the " Steps to the Sky" and the "Sewards(?) above the fog. "Steps to the sky" has a kind of eerie look to it, almost looks as if your climbing to a haunted summit..
thanks for sharing
kmac said:
Impressive pics, I especially love the " Steps to the Sky" and the "Sewards(?) above the fog. "Steps to the sky" has a kind of eerie look to it, almost looks as if your climbing to a haunted summit.. thanks for sharing kmac

I also got the 'haunted' feeling. It reminded me of Minas Morgul, the tower of the ring wraiths in the Lord of the Rings.
What a difference a day makes! A group of us skiid up the auto road on the 29th. Up top, rime was falling from the castle keep & the stairway to the summit was easily negotiated without crampons. Temps were in the mid-thirties at the base, 40's at the summit. It actually made for a great ski down, since the ice field at the Wilmington turn was soft enough for easy edging. Fortunately, the serious rains held off until we were down and ensconced at the Baxter Mtn house for dinner!
Even more changes after 3 days! We skied up the toll road yesterday in 3 or 4 inches of fresh fluffy powder that came after that rain. The visibility was very good, with low lying mist/cloud in the valleys and grey skies above.

I have put a few pictures up at

pics 12/31

We summited Whiteface then took the well defined snowshoe trail over to Esther and back to the Wilmington turn for a rewarding ski back to the cars just after darkness fell.

Thanks to Tom and others who had made the trail up Esther, if not for you we would not have had time to finish it.

Tom, That shot you have of Sewards(?) is actually Lyon mountain to the north. Check my first picture you will see the same profile.

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Whiteface & Esther (01-01-06)

Thank You to Tom and other trail brokers for the new year gift. ;)

Whithout warrior, We lose the last yesterday with Haystack-Basin-Saddleback. :eek: After the usual 15 minutes waiting We started with a slow mouv to go in Whiteface first.

Perfect snowshoes before Esther junction, thank You every body used snowshoes, except for one people go down without snowshoes!!! :mad:
This people did not made a big mest but, specialy around the road place before the trees line it was a little bit ????

Without view around the castel and We need to protect the face.

Perfect snowshoes tracks for Esther with only a trace of new snow in a easy path.

We meet a nice couple ;) when We go down half way to Marble Mtn.

Time to this round trip 4 h 36 m. with a easy pace. :rolleyes:

Happy new year every body....if You took the resolution to go more time outside lets go You lose your first day!!! :D

Pinpin Junior. :)