Yoo Hoo! MONROE!!!!


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Feb 27, 2004
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Under overcast skies and a question of just how many attempts this really would take, I set off with The weather Goddess to meet up with Drewski and Kmac to 'get 'er done'.
As soon as we hit Crawford Notch the sky cleared, as well as my hopes! Wow, I thought, I could actually make this happen.
The 4 of us headed up the Ammo trail, it was muddy and wet at the start, quickly turning to snow and icy spots. Eventually we all put on the crampons, deciding to do it BEFORE someone got hurt for a change.
Or so we thought.
The trail was nice, I actually like this trail, despite the number of times I have hiked it in the last few weeks. We made it past most of the REALLY steep parts, when the professor decided to encourage us by telling us the worst was now over...
As he turned to head up the trail, he fell, slipped or was pushed by a trail gnome,(the investigation is still underway) and down he slid at full force, crampons first, over a pointy rock and into a tree stump. It is frigthening to me how quickly an enjoyable hike can turn into a rescue mission, and fortunately for all of us, this was not to be the case. BUT, it did sit in my mind to give thanks to Mother Nature for allowing us this day, and letting us off with a warning.
I hope Drew's back and arm recover as quickly they happened.
Onward to the hut we pushed under mostly clear skies and views of Mount Washington. We enjoyed a snack at the hut and removed the crampons. This was the first visit to the hut where I didn't feel like a kite, the wind was minimal if any, and the temps were perfect for me.
Onward and upward, and finally, there I was at # 44!!
Kmac wanted to get to Ike, so after a long stay and more food on the summit, off we headed. I must say, as much as I LOVE winter hiking, and I do, I really enjoy and miss relaxing and sprawling around on the summit for a leisurely and enjoyable lunch and talk. Time to lay back and close your eyes and enjoy your accomplishment.
The trail over to Ike was great, the snow for the most part was soft enough to stay in bare boots and there was a lot of water and mud, ahh, spring! We stopped briefly on the summit for the traditional photos next to the cairn, and off we headed to Pierce, I mean, what the heck, it was still early!
Again, the trail above treeline was splendid, just enough snow and ice to make it fun, lots of bare spots and mud and water to make it interesting. (And no place for a shy girl to um, well, you know, relieve herself...)
Drew and Kmac and I waited on the Crawford path so The Weather Goddess could run up and tag Pierce, only to realize on the summit that, hey, I've done this mountain! Oh well, she is new to peakbagging!
Down the Crawford path with thoughts of Potstickers and good beer in our heads... This trail had a few sections of slips and slides, but the crampons remained in our packs. Before we knew it, the parking lot was right there.
Another fine day in the woods on the trail, meeting great people, having good conversations, solving of world and personal problems and getting fresh air and sunshine!
Once again I am thankful for the people I have met on the trails, hikers are really a unique group, I feel very lucky in my life to keep meeting new people and continuously expand the circle of people I consider my friends!
So, annyone want to do Jefferson with me?

Whoo Hoo, on #44, but not for long!
WHooo-hooo Christine!!! Way to go! I wish I could have joined you on Friday....you guys had such a perfect day. I'm up for joining you on Jefferson...just let me know when.

congrats Chinook!!

and i love pic 3, kmac!
Way to go Tine!!! FOUR TO GO!!! Great pictures, KMAC. You exemplify perseverence and determination!
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