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  • Hi, sorry I didn't see your post until now. You should post back on other peoples walls, haha, so they know you replied :D

    Yes, the freedom involved is wonderful. I've gone on many an outdoor trip (and received credit for it) because of homeschooling freedom.

    My mom used an eclectic mix as well. With me she began with a particular curriculum, but by now she pretty much has her own mix, because she knows what she likes and doesn't like about the particulars. She took more of the "Christian" approach, but uses quite a "secular" material (in my opinion, it's learning either way).

    I hope that history went well!
    There -- I just edited it again, to more properly rib you.
    And yes, I have way too much time on my hands this evening.
    Hey, that's fantastic!! We plan on homeschooling until the girls go to college, as long as it continues to work for everyone.

    One good thing about homeschooling -- we ditched the history work we had planned for this afternoon and went on a small hike instead....took advantage of the great weather...we'll get to that history Sunday morning, when it's supposed to be cold outside again. :)

    Did your mom follow any particular method? We're an eclectic mix of Charlotte Mason, the Well Trained Mind, and our own scientific interests. (And we're secular).
    Hey Trish! I was just checking out your blog, because I'm a stalk all thing hiking, and noticed that you're a homeschooling mom. COOL BEANS! I was homeschooled all my life, and my mom is in the process of homeschooling my brother and sister as we speak. It's a heck of a task, and good for you for doing so. I wish you well in your future hiking, and schooling, endeavors!
    We want to save Flume for the summer. We enjoy climbs and slides. Moriah will probably be next, though I don't know when. We won't be hiking this weekend, we have plans for the ASOD party on Sat and my husband's out of town so he can't watch Sage on Sunday.

    Looking forward to the access roads and huts reopening. Come June, we will be all over the place. I anticipate an August or September finish at the lastest...we only have 10 hikes left (we can get our remaining 19 mountains in those 10 hikes). Would love to have you come with us on any of our adventures...
    What about Flume or Moriah? ;)

    No lofty goals for me as of now... just trying to climb as many 4ks as I can.
    I took no offense and had the pleasure of busting your chops. It was a trap to draw you in. WW & Adam can attest to my eccentric humor.

    If I didn't like you I'd just ignore you unless I was feeling like playing cat and mouse just to tweak you.
    HAHAHAHAHAHAHA let me know how that goes!

    Thanks for your reply to my thread. I will try that. Your right I think it is my wife who has passed this feear on. She reacts more when mom does :) Dad always keeps his cool:cool:
    Funny, this friend thing. Feels a little strange, like it's for the generation under mine, but what the hell, why not have fun with it.
    Thanks for the friend invite...I know, I know...my friends list was looking pretty empty -- thanks for coming to the rescue.
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