Garmin Mapsource 24k vs. 100k Topo Maps?

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Active member
Oct 7, 2003
Reaction score
Keene, NY
I have an ancient (in electronic age) Mapsource US Topo 1:100,000 mapset which I use in my GPSMAP 76Cx (carried over from my equally ancient GPSMAP 76). I am thinking about buying a newer updated map set and would like some advice comparing the Mapsource US Topo 2008 versus the National Park East map set. On the GPSr, do the additional lines and detail with 24k just create clutter, or is the additional detail useful?

I'm basically happy with my old 1:100,000 product and need to be convinced there is some benefit to spend the money.
Just like the paper maps, the 24K electronic map has more detail. It has the same strategies and control of the displayed detail as does the 100K map. IMO, it is worth having both and have both maps resident on my GPS. (The GPS will choose to display the 24K map unless you turn it off.)

Is the 24K essential? No, but it might be helpful if you go off trail.

If you want to preview the map, take a look at it in the viewer on the Garmin website.
