Gear Exchange Forum Poll?

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Gear Exchange Forum on VFTT?

  • Good idea! Let\'s try it.

    Votes: 64 77.1%
  • Good idea but not for VFTT.

    Votes: 16 19.3%
  • Bad idea!

    Votes: 2 2.4%
  • Don\'t waste my time.

    Votes: 1 1.2%

  • Total voters
I can see PB's point and I agree with it. However, perhaps there could be an unmoderated "classified ad" section. Someone could post a "wanted" or "for sale" ad with their email address, then the entire process could be carried out off the board via email? There would be no need for a thread to develop for any of the postings. This way there would no liability, no more than there is for the local paper.
"I would not use it" option on the poll

Per Roy's question. I was the one voting for "Don't waste my time". I don't think it is a "bad idea". "I would not use it" would be more descriptive of my opinion - seems like that should be an option on the poll.

As a separate forum it would not waste any time unless you use the "View New Posts" selection (and I often do) from the main forums page. That puts all threads from all forums with new posts since your last visit onto one page. If there were relatively large numbers of new gear exchange posts, and potentially some with less than clear subjects, then it might waste a minimal amount of time browsing through the new post page.

In our current age of litigation I would be more concerned that the "bad experience" scenario might affect the availability of VFTT and the willingness of moderators to donate their time to this site.
Alternative Sites?

Aren't there any alternative gear-swap sites for backpacking?

TelemarkTips. com and Couloir Magazine's site both have gear swap pages for ski gear. But both are commercial sites so perhaps they are incorporated and the corporation, not the individuals, assumes the majority of the risk? I dunno. Any lawyers?

In any event, I've not hunted around other hiking sites, but don't such gear swaps pages exist? Can't we just point folks there?
Re: Alternative Sites?

dave.m said:
Aren't there any alternative gear-swap sites for backpacking?

TelemarkTips. com and Couloir Magazine's site both have gear swap pages for ski gear. But both are commercial sites so perhaps they are incorporated and the corporation, not the individuals, assumes the majority of the risk? I dunno. Any lawyers?

In any event, I've not hunted around other hiking sites, but don't such gear swaps pages exist? Can't we just point folks there?

go to adkforum...they have a gear/ex-change page...

I have posted the suggestion more than once (I would like to see a separate forum for gear reviews as well) and would whole-heartedly welcome it!
I have no problem with allowing a for sale or wanted sort of thing, unless postings shot through the roof. Anyone know the percentage of for sale stuff on rec.backcountry? I doubt there are liability issues, just like the local bike shop that has a bulletin board has no liability. Taking a cut off the top for charity may change that.

Regardless, I'd rather shoot myself in the head than even think about moderating something like that.

A gear forum would be nice but doesn't really make a difference to me as I use the "view new posts since last visit" link.
Hey, as an alternative, maybe drag out all the used outdoor junk from the basement and bring to a VFTT "get-together," then have a trading/selling session around the campfire (ex. warm clothing would have sold well at the LOJ last January, the only VFTT get together that I have attended so far)? Just a thought.
Gear exchange

A couple of years ago, maybe longer, a decision was made to spin off quite active gear discussion forums, both the hiking and climbing versions, to other sites. These events transpired in the days. It is my possibly incorrect understanding that Darren Almeida simply wanted to maintain the focus on trail conditions, trip reports, and the like. Anyway, there is no dearth of sites to buy/sell hiking/climbing gear elsewhere. Better just to focus on the quality of what we've got, it's hard to beat elsewhere and accounts (as I think) for the popularity of VFTT.

My thought would be that it would be a valuable service to some.(even us "lurkers")..... but a"bear" to moderate. Someone would need to step forward and assist maybe..

No this is not another "Bear Thread":p
kubik said:
but a"bear" to moderate.

I don't thnik the moderation is that much. It would be dealing with the bitching. Deals gone bad, scam artists doing one-off "sales", something not living up to someone's expatations, etc. Dissatisfied customer bitches.

It can get pretty depressing, when someone is providing a free service, and someone else is complaining that they aren' t doing a good enough job. With over a thousand people here, it WILL happen.

How thick is Darren's skin?
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In response to a point raised by many...

IF Darren decides to move forward with the idea, I have volunteered to moderate, taking the load off him and Peakbgr.

I'm also researching the liability issue but I believe it's a non-issue.

Although the poll is strongly "in favor" so far, I think that there have been some very valid concerns raised that need to be considered by Darren. Esp. site focus and redundancy of concept.

Let's continue getting feedback. Anyone else...?
I don't know much about the forum or website software and it's cababilities but, how about having an unmoderated forum. The posts could expire after a set time period, say 14 days. It should be under a separate heading on the MAIN VFTT home page. That way it would not show any items when a search of new posts is done on the moderated forum. Only people interested in exchanging equipment would need to visit that link.
i think what it really comes down to is people need to be responsible for themselves!!! if you set up a deal FOLLOW through with it.... take it off line if need be while setting up the trade/sell etc....

we've become a culture where we need constant policing and not taking responsibility upon come on, we're better than that...we can take the Initiative and follow through....and if it seems that someone is a ROUGHE poster, call them out...but i would think that before someone sets up a trade/sell they would have all the appropriate info on that person before anything goes down....

ask Kevin on adkforum. he seems to be doing something right...
gear forum

please don't make a mountain out of a mole-hill on this. i don't see why posting what you have to sell or exchange on this site is any diff then posting it in a buy/sell flyer or posting a flyer up at work. you got something to get rid of, buyer calls you -- end of story. the site is just the medium for posting. period. if you think this to death it will never happen, then it will be time to go on recess and the budget will never get passed. oh sorry ..... thinking of how the state works. but really, just let it be a medium for gettting the info out there, nothing more. if there's a problem you take it up w/ the person you bought it from.

Funny analogy with our wonderful state leg! Gave me a real laugh!!

You're right. I'm hopeful we can try this thing and everyone can prove to each other that it's a net-positive thing. That's why I suggested it in the first place. I'm sure there will be a minor glitch or two along the way, but we can deal with those, I'm sure. Besides, I may very well be the moderator in which case it's on my shoulders to settle those issues anyway, right?!
If this happens, Views doesn't have to be anything more than somwhere to place an ad, just like the bulletin board at the local supermarket or the classified in the local paper... just a place to put a description and a phone number or email. Let the buyer and seller work out the details of the transaction just like they would anywhere else. End of story. The only reason you would need a moderator is to proof read the ads as they went online. Keep it simple.
You're right, I change my vote.....

All right DeadFred, you've (and others) made good points and the quality of people here probably negates the potential pitfalls that gave me the SLIGHT reservations I may have had.

WHOOOPS, I can't vote again, subtract a Blue "good idea, not for VFTT" and move my "dangling chad" :D over to the Red "Give it a try".

I like the post it, first come/first serve, take it offline to complete the deal approach best. Anything else gets complicated (IMO).
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I guess I'll throw in another comment as well.

First, the idea of keeping it as a bulletin board of things for sale - offer and negotiations offline seems right and less cumbersome to monitor. I like it. I think it should support a "For Sale" and "Wanted" format.

Second thought - the concern about unfavorable dealing... as most experience here, we are a polite and fairly tight group with similar interests. If I were looking to purchase, it would be from those of whom I "know" and (like A/S confessed) "trusted". I'd very strongly weigh a decision to deal with a new member or possibly even a lurker. (No offense to those who would rather share from afar... but, without the interfacing, we don't get to know you).

Last thought - what are the chances of getting burnt and not working out a remedy? 2%? 4%? I think that's probably a good figure - so, if it happens, suck it up and get over it. For 90-some percent of us, it works. Seller happy, buyer thrilled!
now we are getting somewhere!

finally the light is beginning to shine thru! we don't need another ebay do we? NO! just a good medium to post stuff. like the other person said; all sales, negotiations, etc take place off-line between buyer/seller.
i actually helped create a "BST" (buy-sell-trade) publication & service back home (in paper & telephone customer service format/before computers were so abundant) where folks could post items for sale, trade of if they were looking for something. it came out in print twice per month & also they could call an 800# and ask for something or list something. if you called looking for something we'd search our database for it. it worked very well & all transactions were outside of our scope. never had one problem in the 2 yrs we did it.
so how long before we can get this started? i have a brand new pair of garmont pinnacles to sell! :cool:
What liability issues?!?!

Issues of VFTT liability were raised. Without conducting research, I’d say that VFTT’s exposure to liability is minimal, so long as VFTT takes no active part in preparing any advertisement or warrants the quality of the goods sold. Any potential liability could probably be alleviated through a disclaimer or requiring users to agree to certain terms and conditions, i.e. users will hold VFTT harmless, etc.

As for potential problems between the buyer and seller - that is their problem. The selling of goods is a contract between the buyer and seller and VFTT should have no involvement in the contract for sale.

Speaking of liability, I am only licensed to practice law in Illinois. This post is not to be construed as legal advise.;)