The trip from Abol Bridge to the CG is pretty easy. The first mile is on a winter variation of the Abol Stream Trail. It is routinely snowsledded by rangers so it's usually in good shape. The very warm weather we've had the last few days probably has made it tough, but by the time your trip comes there will likely be plenty of snow again. So, follow that trail to the Tote Rd, passing Abol Beach (side trail) and some park housing (closed in winter). Head left on the Tote Rd and begin the biggish uphill. It's about 3 miles to Abol CG and is mostly flat after the first mile(ish) hill.
One of my favorite winter day trips in the park is to drive the Golden Rd. to the Telos Rd (check our your Gazetteer), head north for about 6 miles and park at the Williams Pond Rd. Ski to Nesowadnehunk (very easy skiing on often snowmobiled road - about 6-7 miles) and ski/snowshoe up to Doubletop. If aren't much of a skier, leave the skis at 'hunk and snowshoe up from there. It's about 4.5 miles to the summit from 'hunk and a great trip with awesome views of the western part of the park, the Katahdin massif and the Katahdinough. In particular, look for the Marston Slide on the Brothers. It's a long day but the skiing is fairly flat and easy.
Other than that, Michael's suggestion is a good one. If you do head that way, you might want to check out Sentinel Mountain. Is is an easy snowshoe from the AT and has great views of K.
You can also ski from Abol Bridge back to the Tote Rd. (the way you went on your K trip) but turn right on the Tote Rd. for a ways until you see the Rum Pond trail on your left (north side of Tote Rd.). You will have skied over the Abol esker which is often windblown and thin but very scenic. You can take the Rum Pond Trail, pass Rum Pond and pop out on the Tote Rd., north of Togue Pond (you might want your snowshoes for that trail). Then you ski back along the Tote Rd. to Abol Beach and then back to Abol Bridge.
Note that the Tote Rd is open to public snowmobile use everywhere except the stretch from Togue Pond north. But, the traffic is light compared to many sled trails and they do a nice job of packing it for easier skiing. Wave and be friendly back. If they blow by you, are rude or are drunk, it's likely b/c they are sled renters from elsewhere who don't know any better.
Have a great trip and if you think you might need a beer stop or a meal on your way through Bangor, drop me a line...