Where is this waterfall?


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The waterfall is off the eastern side of Sandwich Notch Road and is called Beede Falls. There is a shallow cave nearby called Cow Cave, as legend has it a cow stayed through the winter..If that is true. Still neat though. -Mattl
For what it's worth, Beede Falls has been run in kayaks as well as by swimmers. The only swimmers I have heard of going over the falls were grievously injured and taken to the hospital. There is very little water in the landing in summer.
el-bagr said:
For what it's worth, Beede Falls has been run in kayaks as well as by swimmers. The only swimmers I have heard of going over the falls were grievously injured and taken to the hospital. There is very little water in the landing in summer.

Those idiots. Don't they know they're supposed to go in barrels?