A new perspective and a farewell to the mountains


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That is a camping trip that you and Donovan will always remember. It will lift your hearts when you or Donovan think of it in the future. Good luck with your new adventures. We will miss you here in New England.

I really enjoyed hearing about your experience, thanks for sharing it. I loved that you took a step back from your own hiking routine, slowed down your pace, let yourself be the tourist...Donovan's lucky to have you. Ripley Falls was a great destination to choose--it made a big impression on me when I saw it for the first time. What a great weekend you two shared.

Maybe having the new baby around has made me soft, but I almost had tears in my eyes thinking about how your cousin enjoyed every minute of his trip to the mountains. It's a trip he'll remember forever.

Thanks for sharing!
Very special... but I'm guessing Donovan only felt "special" in that he got to go camping/hiking with his cousin. I love the tourist and by-road stuff as much as seeing the mountains and getting in them. Too many mountains, too little time!! Hope the Michigan stint has many merits.
Wow! I can't believe this isn't burried! I'm glad everyone has enjoyed reading the report.

This is still a pretty hot topic here as well (a large family gathering is underway this week). Donovan keeps talking about the trip, going on and on about camping. He can't wait to go camping again, although I am moving away. I keep telling him that he has to come visit me in MI so we can go again! :D

It was certainly a learning experience taking him out last weekend. It was a lot like having an 8 or 9 year old kid with me. He spent quite a bit of time playing his gameboy, was scared to sleep in the tent by himself, and complained about the hiking. Although we did have a couple of beers together around the fire. :D

He wants a new tent for his birthday too. :D :D
Great trip report. Awesome you made his day. Hope your move to Michigan is a good one.
My wife just read your post and looked at the pictures. Yours was the first posting she was really interested in. She felt like the meaning of your trip seemed to be above and beyond hiking the biggest or hardest trails and was more about a gift to another person using the skills youve developed by hiking the biggest and hardest trails. She gets bored with the biggest hardest trails reports and really liked the fact that you were so open with your reflections. She loved the pictures of you guys enjoying the view and your cousins sense of accomplishment. Its kind of interesting to think that you didn't feel like " you deserved" being up there. Your cousin never would have had the experience if not for you helping him have it in a way that worked for him with his particular needs and comfort level. My wife says "not everyone can be hardcore and that some people have enough challenges just getting through a day. It is a gift to have the confidence to tackle that hard core stuff. "
It was very nice meeting you at Wu's wedding Lindsay, and that TR is very special, very touching.

We didn't get the chance to hike together, but at least we did dance !!

Take care and good luck,


Oh- And don't forget about the Torngats !!
Wow, what a great report Sleeping Bear! I have a similar situation with one of my sons, and it takes a bit of doing to get a hike in with him, but is so super rewarding when we do finally make our destination. Michael has done some 2-3 mile hikes up moderate slopes but this week he climbed his first 3500' peak in the catskills, great time!... Thanx for sharing with everyone, and best of luck in Michigan.
Lindsay what a great trip report!
Looks like you and Donovan had a wonderful time on
Mt. Washington and hiking into Ripley Falls.
Lindsay good luck in MI. It was a pleasure camping with
you,Andy & the pups.
What a kind and selfless way to spend your last weekend in the Whites!
Michigan is not my favorite place. My brother moved there and hasn't moved back yet...It was great to meet you and Andy.
Best of luck and keep on hiking!
What can I say? We're losing one of "the good ones" here.

Lindsay, I'm glad that I got the opportunity to hike with you and I wish you all the best now and always. You've got a lot of heart and a lot soul. Those are precious, rare comodities these days. Don't ever lose them.
Sleeping Bear,

What a GREAT TR, one that just raised the goosebumps on my arms.

I remember you and Donovan from the Tollhouse on the Auto Road. As I had a cousin close to my same age with DS ( he left this earth a little before age 50), I thought a bit about " something special is happening here" but the Tollhouse line isn't about " getting to know you", its about getting information into your hands about your drive. Usually when I process a car for the Road, I deal only with the driver, but I made it a point to make eye contact with Donovan, recognize his presence, and include him in our conversation.

I want to thank you for sharing the rest of your trip. I've printed it out and it will be at the Tollhouse for all of us to read and re-read. On the days when we process many hundreds of cars, it is too easy to separate ourselves from our guests, too easy to forget that everyone that passes thru that stop sign has a reason and an intent for their trip.

Your report is a gentle reminder that being in the moment is the only way to savor the moment. Sharing a Peak Experience Weekend with Donovan was not about YOUR Peak physical challenge, it was about the GIFT of sharing a new challenge with a family member who experiences life from a different viewpoint.

Good on ya, Lindsay. Well done. Huge Kudos to Donovan, too-- this was not a routine weekend for him.

Thanks, Lindsay..... and blessings on your NEW adventures!
