Boston Beer Night and Farewells to 2 VFTT'ers

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Nov 18, 2004
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Hikin' the scree on Shasta....
Sleeping Bear and Jessbee are both moving out of new england very soon and I thought it would be good to drink some beer to celebrate them leaving :eek: :eek: (ummm I mean bid them farewell) :eek: :)

I have had the pleasure of hiking with jessbee once or twice and sleeping bear on a few occasions as well as some climbs. I would love to raise a glass with them before they go.

In a seperate thread ARM organized the harbor cruise for 6/29. How about we meet around 4 or 5pm that night somewhere near the cruise dock and this way those people going on the cruise can say hi and bye and those who are not going on the cruise can hang out. I figure this way we can accomodate most. and depending on how night goes - maybe we'll even still be there when the cruise people return :D :eek:

How does this sound? I think jessbee is in the bush all week, so we'll have to hope this date works for her - it will work for sleeping bear

Thurs 6/29 - 4 or 5pm - somwhere.
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Planning to be on the cruise, so we hope to be able to hookup for a brew. Should be a great way to kick off summer vacation.

Mtnmama will love your new avatar :p
giggy said:
Sleeping Bear and Jessbee are both moving out of new england very soon .

Well thats not good news. I hope it is for steep mountains, prettier birds and fresher air. Happy trails.
Where's the info on the Harbor Cruise? Can't seem to find it.

I'll be there for the beer night and maybe the cruise if there is still room.
Puck said:
Well thats not good news. I hope it is for steep mountains, prettier birds and fresher air. Happy trails.

yea - i know - sucks to see them go - but lets face it - metro boston is not the easiest place for twenty somethings to start to make a life - financially.

I would be doing the same if I was 7 to 10 years younger.
Um... yeah... I'm in :D

Can we do it at Boston Beer Works, please please please?? I NEED fried pickles again before I leave!
So have we decided on a venue?

I've finally emerged from the woods and no one's made a decision :eek: ...I second Linsday's vote for the beerworks.
just bringing this back up for as a reminder. I guess its boston beerks works down by the banknorth garden. This is pretty close to the wharfs too.

There has to be more people coming?? If you don't come, you will be made fun of, talked about, and maybe I will even put a curse and spell on you. ;) :p :eek:
It can be a farewell for Frank too, he's got a minor relocation going on.

I can't wait for fried pickles, I've been craving them.... yum, yum
where is frank going?

Sleeping bear and jessbee have bring a written analysis and after action report of the recent mt madison resuce. I heard some people were going to a hut that was closed - we need to get to the bottom of that.
giggy said:
where is frank going?
Just the Amherst Area -- unlike Jessbee and Lindsay I'll still be hiking in the VFTT areas.

I willl most certainly be there on Thursday. Two of my very favorite and most coolest and most adventurous VFTT'ers (in my opinion) are leaving the North East. Good for them (new places to explore) bummer for me (need to find new hiking partners!).

Hope you can all come!

-Dr. Wu
dr_wu002 said:
Just the Amherst Area -- unlike Jessbee and Lindsay I'll still be hiking in the VFTT areas.

I willl most certainly be there on Thursday. Two of my very favorite and most coolest and most adventurous VFTT'ers (in my opinion) are leaving the North East. Good for them (new places to explore) bummer for me (need to find new hiking partners!).

Hope you can all come!

-Dr. Wu

I am waaaaaayyy cooler :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: and you still got me to hike with :( :( :( :( :( :(