Brighest Circumzenithal Arc I've ever seen

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Tom Rankin

Well-known member
Sep 28, 2004
Reaction score
Bloomville, New York
There is a somewhat rare phenomenon called the circumzenithal arc, which as the name implies, is a rainbow arc of a circle centered directly over head.

I was pointing out minor parhelic arcs (sun dogs) yesterday to our hiking party, when I noticed the arc overhead. Almost by magic, it started to brighten to an intensity that I had never witnessed. There were high thin clouds and it was sunny and about 0F.

My wife took this shot thru the trees. It does not do the true intensity justice, but here it is:

Cool shot!! I've never actually SEEN this in real life. Guess I need to look up more...
I strongly recommend looking up once in a while! :D

There are quite a few phenomena that can be viewed when there are high thin clouds. A ring around the sun or moon, sun dogs, tangent arcs, sun pillars, etc.
Thanks Tom! Now I know what I saw a few years ago outside my house!

Funny, I just took these ones on a flight to Washington DC last week. I believe it is called a "glory".

Cool shot, Tom. You should submit it to Weather Underground, they love stuff like that.