Isolation Bushwhack on 3/12 Ms. Brown's #48

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Clark & Rox,

Hope to see you out there. There's a couple of groups going for it that were denied at least once this year. I think all are hopeful this time. Been talking to SpiderSolo. I believe he was trying again today. Hopefully he made it & is ok. Lots of spruce traps waiting for yah. At least the weather forecast looks good for Sat.
We are also attempting Isolation on Sat. again for the second try. Sounds like we'll be in between the other starts. Trying for a 9:00 start driving up from MA.
It'll be nice to have company as we make it to the peak this time!!

The weather is going to co-operate!

Darlene & Brian
Lots of hikers going tomorrow! Our group will be leaving by 8. Our route will be to straight thru to Isolation Trail then take the north side of the brook at about a half mile from Rocky Branch Trail, 3000' elevation bushwhack to Davis Path to the summit.

See the map on Roy's (Mike ascends instead of descends!) link above. It is Route "E." Though after wildpeaks and spider correspond today "D" may be included.

We'll be happy to break trail for your groups. We're meeting afterwards at the Red Parka in Glen. Hope you can too. I 'll have on the black outback hat. Hope to see you there!
Way to go!

Spider, just read your trail conditions report. 14 hours of endurance, nice going -- Congratulations!
Hi Folks
Yes, I did bushwhack up to the summit yesterday (Thurs 3/17)
I started at 6:20 a.m. and got back to my car.... 14 hrs later... at 8:30 p.m.
It's a tough one thats for sure.
I was surprised how much the trail had filled in from just Monday, from the wind. The begining of the trail has firmed up nicely and some might start off with bare boots...Mocassin mukluks in my case...course we don't want to mess up the section that is part of the ski trail, but I left my snowshoes off till I thought I needed them.
I lost the trail within the 1st hr in the open woods so hope I don't lead anyone astray. I regained it later where the yellow flagging is (it's not mine).
I had stumbled across it on my 1st bush whack and had it entered as a waypoint, so that got me back on trail and I could save some energy for what turned out to be 12 hrs of remaining 'whacking'.
From the turn around spot of... Ms Brown's group last sat 3-12 ...I put down a new track to a different stream crossing than the one I did Monday.
Yesterday I did a loop and returned by way of the Monday tracks. In the snow I drew the direction of the out going track...hopefuly so I wouldn't confuse people with to many tracks. My returning tracks would not make a good approach and I wouldn't want people to think it would make for a nice loop doesn't, but it got me back in one piece.
The new crossing is about at the 3200 contour that had been recommended and it was a good spot with a nice gentle slope and hardwoods on the other side.
After crossing, if people come that way, my tracks on the other side are more of an example of...... where not to go..... I had to do a major course adjustment further up the mnt. I had strayed to much to the northern side and found myself getting crowded onto a slope where the ledges were on the right side of me. If you happen to follow the tracks and see the snow covered ledges you'll want to be avoiding them. I wound up taking out my shovel and digging big snowshoe steps up them so I could see where the heck I was... and it was disheartening. I took a nice sunny break, but then had to lose ground and do a rough bush whack more to the west where I belonged.
Mostly all you can do is go where the trees allow and work your way up as best you can.
Hope you have a great adventure and a nice day. There are countless spruce traps up on the ridge, so you might want to bring something so you can help each other out of them.
I never did find the Davis Path or the Spur Trail but I may have been on them from time to time. Everything seems to look all the same up there so I just picked my way as best I could... no real advantage following my prints there I just went up hill as best I could till the top and the beautiful views.
I know some are anxious to get there as a winter peak...conditions are rough ..I would say it was my hardest snowshoe hike ever. Three times this week in the Rocky Branch area and two of them were for Isolation the other was a wooden snowshoe hike with a spare set of snow shoes just in case.
So I was there because I like the deep snow..but the conditions are plenty rough. Earlier in the year with the same conditions it would have been unattainable for me. Things will change from one winter to the next the mountain isn't going anywhere have awhile !
Oh, you may see for the descent I went right off the top on an east bearing. Sooo ...I can't say this was a good route to take or any thing. It had taken 8 hrs to find my way to summit and the day was getting late It leads directly into some pretty impenetrable stuff..trees with heavy, heavy snowloads, with one self rescue thrown in (over the shoulder spruce trap)
All in all I think you will find there is no 'ideal' route right now...but plenty of adventure.
Good Luck....thanks for all the input and ideas from everyone and on this thread.

...just a reminder to remember some eye protection.....
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Congratulations Spider Solo! I can't believe you did all that alone! I thought for sure Isolation was rebelling against having company this winter but you paved the way for future adventurers.

Good luck to all the groups summiting tomorrow! Be safe. I'll be thinking of ya!

Ms Brown.
I too did the Isolation bushwack yesterday (Thurs 3/17) about 1.5-2 hrs behind Spider Solo. Got to within 200-300ft of the summit. Took me 14.5 hrs--8:00am to 10:30pm.

Even with the aid of Spider's tracks, it was a toughie. "Found" an armpit-deep spruce trap a step off the Davis Path. Snowshoes, car-to-car.

> (Spider's comments)
> I lost the trail within the 1st hr in the open woods
Just the turn at the end of a switchback. I stayed on the trail (the MSR snowshoe prints).

> regained it later here the yellow flagging is
From the topo, this appears to be a combined wilderness and county boundary marker.

I followed Spider's route up and returned by the same route with a correction. (Fixes problems he reports for the way up.) Checked his route with my GPS.

*************** Warning, Route Beta--do not read if you want to work it out for yourself **********************

Navigational suggestions for the Sat group: (The snowshoe print descriptions assume no traffic on Fri.)

1. read (detailed instructions from Peakbagger), Bring a copy along.

2. Definitely need a map (24K topo is better than AMC) and compass. Altimeter and GPS also useful. (I had entered the route in my GPS.)

3. Follow Spider's instructions as to choosing his ascent (preferred) vs descent bushwack route as to where it leaves the Rocky Branch Tr. I took his ascent route both ways, so it should have 3 sets of snowshoe prints (again, mine are the MSRs). (Didn't actually see where his other route joined. Just became aware of his snowshoe prints--it was dark.) This segment leads to Isolation Tr at 3200ft.

4. You can follow the tracks to the stream crossing. (Alternative below.)

5. Beyond the stream crossing, follow the tracks until there is a junction--take the left (southerly) set. It leads around the difficulties Spider encountered. Parts of this route are .2-.3 mi N of Peakbagger's route. (Unfortunately, you will miss his smiley carved on a 10ft snow lump. :) ) Follow to the ridge--the spruce gets thick near the ridge.

6. At the ridge, there will be a small hill in front (N of) Isolation. Tracks all over the hill--dead ends. Davis Path goes to the right (W) of this hill. At the base of the hill there are two routes right (W) to the Davis Path. Take the upper one (go around the arm pit depth spruce trap). (The lower one leads to the base of a large snowdrift blocking Davis Path.) Turn left (S) on Davis Path. My tracks explore 2 variations--both were blocked (but I could see what looked like clearings beyond). I had to turn around here (it was 4pm...) I never did find which of Spider's tracks led to the summit.

Davis Path goes to the left (E) of Isolation summit, about 125 yds from the summit. The access spur trail is poorly marked (sign visible from the other direction (S)). (I didn't get this far--info from a summer ascent.)

7. Return the way you came.

Alternate route (following Peakbagger's route descriiption);

4alt. Spider's route from the crossing of Isolation Tr to the stream crossing leads too far North. Turn left here and follow a heading of 281 true to the stream draining the col N of Isolation at 3400 ft. (BTW, I suggest you take your compass headings from the map rather than off landmarks.)

5alt. Parallel the stream up to the ridge. (You are likely to connect with Spider's route on this leg.)

A nice "little" hike.

Thank you for the excellent details guys. It should be one long, enjoyable adventure ... yes, a nice "little" hike!
I hear you and understand what you are saying Kevin. We have considered hiking on the traditional routes of Isolation to Davis trails. Upon discussing this with several mtn authors, it was suggested that being in the wilderness these trails are unmarked and difficult to follow in the snow. Do you find this to be true? If these trails are broken out we sure wish to go the easiest way possible and don't at all mind the traditional routes. Also, do you leave the RB tr. for the bushwhack to Iso tr. where orange tape is nailed into a tree, not far into the wilderness bountry stake? Several mtn authors have told me it is an easier way with a more open bushwhack. Agreed?

FiggyPaw, you will certainly be in our thoughts also. We shall return to the summit when you have the time to go. Then we can celebrate your 48th substanially!

That is the game plan. Same as it was last Sat. To Bushwhack from the height of land on RB trail over to 3100'-3200' on the Isol. trail. At that point last week we would have stayed on Isol. trail all the way due to the rough going we encountered on the 1st Bushwhack. It sounds like this week is not much different. So I hope it's clear to all what we need to do. Thanks for the encouragement.
The first attempt S. of Isol. was a great trip & a lot of fun making it to the shoulder NW of Davis. The summit was reachable that way. Last Sat. was not fun. So this time the best route to the summit will be taken. I've had enough "hard" attempts for one year. Besides there are no more chances until next year for a winter climb.
Kevin Rooney said:
MtnMagic - you might get lucky and find someone has broken-out the RB trail so much of the trail-finding will be a non-issue, but if not - watch for an occasional orange tape nailed to a tree above the last brook crossing. They're few and far apart, but can help some. When you get about 1/4 mile from the intersection of RB and Davis Path, the summer trail goes high and to the right to avoid the marshy, blowdown area. In winter this is less of a problem, so tend to go straight here, and you should hit the col. Sometimes it's a little tough to find the col and therefore the Davis Path, but if you start to head down again, you've definitely crossed the Davis Path. I believe there are 1 or 2 small bits of orange tape nailed up just south of this col, so keep an eye out for them to confirm the trail. Also - believe it or not, some people hike right past the little spur trail to the right which takes you to the actual summit. Just in case - there's a small sign - should be about waist high now - that's just after the top of the last steep pitch.
Don't you mean the Isolation trail, not the RB trail? As of Thurs, the Isolation trail was not broken out. The RB trail (from Rte 16) was broken only as far as the bushwack. (I broke a portion of it--required only minimal effort on snowshoes.)

Some people even miss the Iso spur in summer. The small sign (high up in summer) is visible from the south, so look back for it. It and the spur are directly east of the Iso summit.

Kevin Rooney said:
As for where to start the bushwhack at the top of Engine Hill (actually it's the shoulder) - yes, I use the orange tape as a marker. If you look at the map you'll see that it won't really matter whether you start a hundred yards before or after that marker.
The broken-out bushwack track turns off at a good place. (Spot-on, by my GPS fix.) I never saw any orange tape, but then I had no info that it might be there. You will have to ask Spider Solo if he knew of or saw it. The turnoff is shortly after the height-of-shoulder on the RB trail.

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You could reverse the question to read :
"The 'easy' way or no way at all"...

As you know things change from storm to storm...I didn't realize there was a sure way to climb Isolation any more than there was a sure way to bag Lafayette after a storm.. or two... or three. Some days you make it ,some days you don't ,nor would a person always climb it the easy way...or the 'hard' way.
Perhaps people will climb it a variety of ways working things out to their own liking from one time to the next.'s the spice of life.
Second what Spider Solo said.

Also, the bushwack, now that the difficult part has been removed, could easily be the easiest route. It is certainly shorter than following Isolation Tr up to the ridge. And remember the 14hr times included trail breaking, route finding, and a sub-optimal route, most of which can be avoided by anyone following my notes.

And FWIW, I'm hardly the fastest hiker around...

(I went to sleep early last night so i missed these replys.)

Sooo, for the 1900+ readers -- we made it!!

Juls, Pucknuts, Wildpeaks, ghostdog and I left the trailhead a few minutes before 8am after 2 others hikers (was that you today DougPaul?!) and followed Thursday's bushwhack route on the consolidated snow and well broken out trail. (Thank you!) Oh, it went so fast and easy compared to our 2 other winter attemps in the last month. We met Darlene and Brian, Rox and Clark, hit the Davis Path and headed south to bag this baby, summiting just before 3. Success!! A bit windy at the top, but sensational 360* views with deep blue skies and no clouds. After congratulating each other, we had champagne, took photos and ate lunch before heading East and South on a new bushwhack route blazed by the 2 hikers before us. A mere 2 hours later we were back on our original bushwhack route at about 3080' elevation heading towards Rocky Branch Trail. Two more hours found us back at the parking lot, 11 hours route trip, at 7pm with a note on the window from Brian inviting us to the Yokohama Restuarant in Gorham. The others had a 3+ hour drive so I met Brian and Darlene and enjoyed a most wonderful feast. A great day to hike in the mountains with super people!

fwiw: Brian and Darlene took the route that had the yellow tape every 50' and discovered it ends too far South of the lot and had to 'whack back to it.
Can't wait to do this one again soon with Sky and FiggyPaw. Life is good!!
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MtnMagic said:
Sooo, for the 1900+ readers -- we made it!!

Juls, Pucknuts, Wildpeaks, ghostdog and I left the trailhead a few minutes before 8am after 2 others hikers (was that you today DougPaul?!) and followed Thursday's bushwhack route on the consolidated snow and well broken out trail. (Thank you!) Oh, it went so fast and easy compared to our 2 other winter attemps in the last month.

Congrats--glad you (and however many others) made it.

It wasn't me--I'm still too tired from Thurs. Did Morgan and Percival (4.8 mi and 1550 ft on marked trails) today (Sat) with a couple of friends. It was enough...

Congratulations to all of you! I am glad that you finally reached the summit, and had such a beautiful day for it too. Way to go, hope to see you out there on the trails. ;)
Congrats to all.

Thank you to all,
For the imput, comments, dissagreements?, & warm wishes. They were all important and were part of our success.
You all share a passion that is rare but so rewarding & fulfilling and not understood by many. You are all special to me. I do want to say congratulations as well, to all that stood up top yesterday. And also to everyone's accomplishments this year.
For me, I thank God I'm alive and was able to climb 12 more peaks this winter. I met some fantastic people along the way. Some are going through tough times as I speak, others have already gone through a fire of sorts. Keep on pressing forward in whatever comes and you will summit!

My prayers & best for all. ;)
MtnMagic said:
We met Darlene and Brian, Rox and Clark, hit the Davis Path and headed south to bag this baby, summiting just before 3. Success!!


As I described in my notes, I found and followed Davis Path straight to an impass where it started to climb the summit cone (400-500 ft from the summit) and also checked out a route slightly to the left and hit another impass (~300 ft from the summit). How did you do the last few hundred feet to the summit? Did one of my routes pan out or did you find another one?

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It really was a great day and a special thanks to all who were looking out for us, and I hope that everyone attemtping their last winter hike made their goal too. Special thanks to Wildpeaks (Tom), Juls (Julie, but will now be known as "Spruce Trap" ;) ), Magic, and of course Ghost Dog. I'd also like to thank Brian and Darlene (very sorry we didn't meet for the celebration, but we will sometime, I'm sure), Clark and Rocs (great time the last few hundred feet with this duo! and then down our bushwhack out), and to Spider Solo and Dougpaul for their work this week.
Dougpaul, we managed to get through a very small thicket of trees just above the spruce trap minefield (at the somewhat level area 400-500 ft below the summit), and it gave us a clear but a little steep path to the summit. We could see your tracks and Magic did start up that way, but we found what we think is the Davis Path. When you doubled back you would have come back about 100 feet and then a quick left turn west, the path was there at the ridge line and it ran parallel to where you were.

I slept very well last night....and with a smile,
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