My son started the AT...the sendoff

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Aug 18, 2006
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King Ravine Lounge

What an interesting weekend. My wife and I just finished a whirlwind 30 hr trip accompanying my son Bryan to Springer Mountain and the start of AT.
Flew down Saturday afternoon, landed in the hotel at 8:30 pm. Early start on Sunday morning. Drove rental to Springer Mtn and back to the airport for a 7:00 pm flight...

In order to be able to be with him on springer, we needed to take rough forest roads to a parking lot .9 mi from springer. This hike would be a nice short jaunt for my wife and I that allows for making out flight home. This actually meant my son bryan would be backtracking to summit and returning to the parking lot and moving on from there. IT was a gentle .9 mile hike and 86 degrees at the summit! with some flies to boot...

After checking in on the summit we were now officially hiking with Bryan on his first mile of the trek...As I was hiking with him, I found myself reflecting on all the hikes we did together throughout his childhood...and how my wife and I introduced Bryan to the woods and trails at a very early age...6 I think...and how he continued to love hiking the whites....and now the AT

After 2 years of college, he approached me about hiking the AT and taking a break...He certainly asked the wrong guy if he was worried about a NO answer! Mom was on board knowing it would be the experience of a lifetime..and we'd figure things out when he gets back

As we decended Springer into the parking lot and onto the restart of the trail, I told him what this will mean to him.... not only now, but in future years to come. It felt surreal standing there at the a place I have dreamed of hiking from for a long time...As he waved and walked away, my legs,my feet, and my heart were aching to follow him.....d***ed job...

If interested in following his progress he will be entering info where possible to the following

It'll prob be a few weeks before he starts entering again..

Anyway...just wanted to's some pix...

Up Springer

Checking in on Springer

Wish I was going

First Blaze

See you in Maine!
AT Trip

:cool: That is great. Good for him. I will definitely be following him on Trail Journals. No trail name yet? It looks like he's off with I nice compact pack. Best wishes for bright skies, lots of trail magic, and an injuryless trip. Thanks for posting. I hope if you head back to meet him anywhere along the way, you will post again.
Early Bird
Exactly 13 years ago today I started my thru-hike of the AT. (Where the heck has all the time gone??) It truly IS the experience of a lifetime. He'll have a blast!

Best wishes for a great adventure. :)
He waited to pick a trail name based on the first couple weeks of experiences...interestigly enough, the volunteer checking in hikers said there are a large number of hikers who are waiting to pick their trail name... of yesterday 345 hikers have begun...

His pack is a Granite Gear Nimbus Ozone with a M.H. Phantom 32 bag
He is an EMS employee and gets some good deals!!!!
Good for him!! And, good for you for being supportive in his decision!
I will look forward to following his progress.
Nice to hear from ya Woody48...

standin on that starting point certainly pulled my strings....


Nice day to start!

Hope he has a class 1 day to finish, too!
Great pics, thanks for the trailjournals link, and happy trails to him!

I plan on joining him for a week perhaps on greylock in NAdams and going as far as a week will take me on the Long Trail .

I toyed with the idea of meeting him in Maine and finishing with him on Katahdin but he would have to ask me to do that ....that moment is for him and him alone to reflect on his trip and finish and I dont want to force myself into that one just for a picture together...its up to him

Other than that I thought of doing a section in Pa and going off trail somewhere near Delaware Water Gap and meet up with my family, who lives in the area...

TJ...good point ...the weather was totally opposite of the usual GA springtime wet and raw stuff..and...the 10 day was for total sun and 80's...luck of the draw...its always nice to have the weather on your side when breaking in on the trail..

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Unoman said:
I plan on joining him for a week perhaps on greylock in NAdams and going as far as a week will take me on the Long Trail .

Let me know when - the Fool Scouts have a trail magic mission planned for Greylock this summer.

Best of luck on his trip. I'm envious. My start date is February... 2018.
Good for all of you!! Now we have two to follow trails with.

It's my understanding that your trail name is "given" to you by other hikers - usually based on some characteristic or circumstance that you unveiled.

Thanks for the post! I'll keep an eye out for Bryan's journal on It's always fun to see who's out there each year, and read about their adventures. I'm jealous! I wish we were back there again... I wouldn't trade our time on the AT for anything, and I'm sure that Bryan won't either.

Looks like he had a gorgeous day for the start :) That is great. When Snowman and I got to Springer on March 28, 2005, we couldn't see a thing, it was so foggy and drizzly!

I hope you have a chance to meet up with him, as planned, along the trail. That should be great fun!

Keep us updated on his progress, and wish him happy trails from Snowman and Sparkplug :D
AH, to take a break from the real world and hike the AT!! I think everyone on this board is envious. I very much look forward to that journal.

Good job Dad.