Perfect ending to an AT thru-hike

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Matt called their parents beforehand. Thru-hikers Burl, Stick Shift, T-Rex, Ripple, Sideways and Joker also knew about his plans to propose. And several people in Millinocket had heard the tale while Matt waited in town for Sofie to arrive.

“Well, everyone on the trail knew. They couldn’t bust the secret. I needed support when I was out there,” Matt said.

“It seemed everyone knew except for me,” Sofie said.

Cute. :):cool:
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We now return you to your regularly scheduled hugfest.
thats really cool - i thru hiked and the end of it was almost somehow anti-climactic. it's an awesome feeling to look south and know how far you've walked to get where you are, but I wouldn't have minded having a korean film crew document the moment - perhaps adding some suitably dramatic musical backdrop. after about an hour up there, there was a moment when i was like 'ok, guess i should see about hiking off this mountain and getting on with my life.'

I think there should be a solar powered karaoke machine at Baxter Peak. :D