Tuckerman Inferno 4/21/07


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Nov 22, 2004
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North Conway, NH Avatar: Skiing on Ethan Pond Trai
Anyone going up to Tucks to watch or race in the Inferno of Saturday? I still haven't heard any word on what they are going to do for the ski leg. I guess we'll know Saturday morning.

I'll be running the hiking leg. I'll be wearing a blue and white singlet. Yell "Alligator Eggs" if you see me.


I'll be on crutches (knee surgery tomorrow), otherwise I'd go. Best of luck, Kevin. No doubt you'll do great.
No, nobody has been skiing Tuckerman's... it has been a horrible year for snow. Tucks is mostly bare rocks. Global warming has ruined this once fine event.

Look at this webcam, its pathetic:

Oh, wait. They just got 2 more feet of snow. Never mind. ;)
Good luck to both Kevin and Artex (ouch!)
I'll be working on Sat but hopefully should be up there for some skiing/climbing on Sunday.

was in the ravine last sat when tucks was rated considerable - and saw (too close) Hillmans Highway slide with skiers in the gully, was close by practicing some climbing techniques and when you hear people screaming, your given an avy probe to look for bodies, the risk level drops a bit.... (turns out noboby was in the slide by some miracle)

I will just say, I learned some stuff from this event.

watch avi report and listen to rangers.. I saw that while most skiers don't head up in these conditions, more than you think would - do and their presence high in these gullies creates avalanches. Its an odd year, I think people are used to april being stable snow, etc... not so.......

There could have easily been 5+ people killed this past sat from the hillmans slide.

personally, I made a poor choice going as high I as did in another gully - and then made a smart choice in realizing this obvious mistake and getting out of there while I was still alive.

I think its easy to get caught up in the "the sun is out, there are people up there, it doesn't look too bad, I can probably sneak up", mentality. I did on sat.

Wrong answer.

not saying bail on this by any means, just - yea - there is lots of snow and its not a normal april.
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I'm sure the event organizers will not have the ski leg portion of the event if anything in the ravine is too risky... but yeah, it looks like they'll have to make the call on that day since conditions could go anywhere this weekend.

Thanks for your candor. I've been watching the reports on a daily basis. We've had a trip on the calendar for a couple months and we'll make the decision not to travel later today based on the MW Avalanche bulletin. If anyone is reading it -- I can't imagine that one would decide it's a good idea to head up to the ravines and snowfields.

This really sucks for me -- my non-hiking daughter was looking forward to doing something her father has been telling her about for 15 years!! We were headed up with her ski teammates and coach (and a couple others). Looking forward, our calendars are filled until after Memorial Day, so the good part is that maybe there will still be skiing in June!!

(For those not reading the MW report - Hermit Lake has rec'd 34.6" of new snow from the recent storm.)

cbcbd - maybe you'll free up from that work thing in June :D

Lastly - if anyone does venture up there this weekend and somehow has a good time... PLEASE DON'T post a report. :(
bubba - I don't think you need to cancel your trip up there, things could be better by sat - either way, there is still fun to be had even if you can't get in a gully, ski route, etc..

weather looks awesome, if i could, I would be up there. - even if just working on a tan at hojos!

With a report like today - its a no brainer - but come sat, it will likely ease a bit, sunny, warm, etc......

just saying the above as a FYI.
Dear Bubba,
I will have to check then but I will be up for heading up to NH any weekend! And if you're nice, maybe I'll take some days off work. :D

Alligator eggs to all, and to all a good night.

giggy said:
bubba - I don't think you need to cancel your trip up there, things could be better by sat - either way, there is still fun to be had even if you can't get in a gully, ski route, etc..
You can ski the Sherburne or the Gulf of Slides Trail (not the slides), in high avy danger - both tons of fun. And there's always the Cat right across the street.
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giggy/cbcbd - the deal is both the long drive up there (like 9 hours) and chancing the ability to get into the ravine. The thrill for these 17 and 18 year olds is to get into the ravine and be on the headwall.

For me, I could have a great time anywhere in the Whites (I think). I've been up and only skied the Sherburne and considered it a memorable time. My personal concern is that I'm not 34 anymore ( :eek: ) and have some kind of an image to maintain -- as well as the ability to carry my skis and boots up a mountain, don those boards, make it down a pitch that I'm not accustomed to skiing ...while looking like I'm good at it.

Your time, too, will come... I'm chasing mine!

cbcbd - you are a piece of work! :rolleyes:
Like Warren Miller says, "If you don't do it this year, you will be one year older when you decide to do it". I totally butchered his great quote, but you get the gist of it. I have been dead set on skiing Tuck's every year for the last 10 years, but something always comes up. I am busy this weekend, but hope to do it soon.

Bubba, I do not recommend endangering the lives of 17-18 year olds, but the one and only time I skiied the ravine was when I was that age, and it was in a blizzard in May. Life is short, no need to make it shorter by our own doings, but who knows when the time will come around again and the stars will align for the right moment for a once in a lifetime adventure. If the avalanche warning is too high, you can always turn back, but just getting into that ravine on a perfect sunny day with deep snow pack is magical. I have skiied across the Northeast, I have had some sweet runs in the Alps, but my favorite ski run is Tuck's. This weekend's forecast looks amazing!
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king tut said:
...I have been dead set on skiing Tuck's every year for the last 10 years, but something always comes up. I am busy this weekend, but hope to do it soon...

Skiing Tucks was high on my list of "things to do before I die." Last spring the opportunity came up and I jumped at it. Certainly an experience I'll remember for a long time. My pack with skis and boots was about half my body weight. As I reached the floor of the ravine a brief hail storm passed through. I was about halfway up the headwall when someone skied into a small crevasse and messed up their knee pretty good. Spent 35 minutes standing in one steep spot while the rangers came to the rescue. Meanwhile visibility dropped and skiers crashed and burned one after another. By the time I got moving and reached a launching pad about a dozen skiers had tumbled down to cheers and flashing cameras. No one had completed a run since the injury. I put on my skis and awaited my turn. There were four young guys ahead of me and the first three wanted their mommy. I waited another twenty minutes while they worked up the nerve to take the plunge. None of them made it very far. Finally the last guy dropped down a much steeper line and skied to the bottom with style and grace. There I was with hundreds of eyes upon me. I decided to take the same steep line as the last guy. The thing about skiing Tucks is you get no warmup run. Your first turn better be perfect. The adrenaline kicked in and I dropped down, traversed a little then started making turns. Amazing how much speed you can pick up by the time you finish a turn. Finished a clean run and coasted into lunch rocks. My only regret was that I hadn't started a couple hours earlier so I could get more runs in. Guess I have to go back.
I've always wanted to head up to the Inferno and watch the skiers etc. from lunch rock with the kids. I am not sure from this thread if this is a good year to go. Any feedback or ideas as to whether to go and if we do go what to expect?

Or should I just a find a trail with minimum stream crossings and enjoy the beutiful weather on Saturday?
Keep in mind the avalanche danger in the ravine in Moderate right now, and it could go up or down as the weekend progresses. There are dangerous cornices up high on Lion Head as well. Keep your wits about you, listen to the snow rangers, and don't fall into the trap that because you only get there rarely you must go up. That's what caused two human-triggered avalanches last weekend.

Tuckerman is a great ski experience, but there's no reason to put yourself if harms way if you don't need to.

David Metsky said:
Did you see the avy crown in that Sluice photo?


Not an avi crown according to the Snow Rangers. They said it was a result of wind scouring from the recent Nor'easter. :eek: