I hiked the Pemi Loop, turned around, and tried to do it again


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Courtney, Terrific report and wonderful discussion on perspectives. Real or imagined you overcame them to give you more drive inorder to accomplish a greater goal. Sounds like you had a wonderful team helping you and used your head, despite sleep deprivation, to protect them and yourself from getting hurt. A Pemi and a half is absolutely amazing in the conditions you hiked in! More important is that you're okay and able to share many more hiking adventures with us in the future! Glad you were able to get accustomed to the night hiking on the ridge. It is often my favorite time to be above treeline. Did you tell Jason the "Howling Moon" is coming next Friday? ;)

Leaf my a__, more like Rock. We are all very proud of you. And maybe a little envious. I'd have dropped 1/2 way through the first loop.

That was a really great TR, one of the best ever. I liked the "I don't think that now but this is what I was thinking then" parts.

You need to get over thinking about how many hikers could go faster or whatever because there are not many people in the US who could do what you did. Look around in the grocery store next time.
Thanks guys for all your replies! I really appreciate it. It was a very special weekend for me. Even the suffering was something special because I knew that through it I was helping out a good cause that means alot to me! I really enjoyed the hike and had alot of fun. The moments when I was upset or disappointed were pretty brief as a whole.

Mats, glad you thought I was pleasant to hike with! Your positive attitude helped alot! Yeah, I was thinking alot when I was sitting on that log. I was just trying to figure out the best strategy and plan for the remainder of hike and what would be best for the charity. Hmm, Yoda did seem a little tall and talk in a Swedish accent...

Darlene, maybe I'll play pool better after 40 hours of no sleep!

Sabrina, those long ADK hikes were good training for this monster. ;)

I did want to be honest about my thoughts during the entire hike because otherwise what's the point of a Trip Report! Glad that you guys expressed your appreciation of that aspect. Thanks again. :D
mookie said:
So Leaf,
we all want o know whats next? how will you top the pemi and a half?

Every experience is so different from eachother. I had a friend tell me, "Oh, well, remember when we did the Pemi Loop as a four day backpack? Well, guess that doesn't mean much now." I was taken back by that comment because to me, that four day backpack was a special time and one I'll always remember. I tried to explain that even though I did the Pemi Loop in one day a few years later it doesn't take anything away from that four day experience. And then doing one and a half Pemi loops another year later does seem like I'm trying to top myself eh? Haha. Trust me, if it wasn't for charity I would have been home watching episodes of Family Guy. Just kidding. I just love the suffering.

But I know you weren't looking for a Yoda-like response, so I'll just say:

See below signature. ;)

leaf said:
I also want to say, I don’t think these things anymore, and it was a result of lack of sleep and physical exhaustion.

Great hike and report. The descriptions of your mental state under the stress of this kind of event are great - how your doubts and fears can grow, sometimes out of proportion. Having a great support team ( and it sounds like you had one) to help you out of the "Separate Reality" you can drift into when pushing your limits can make a big difference.

You know that Beastie Boys Song, "Mark On The Bus" that ends with:

"You're Wild Man Wild"
"That's Insane, Yo Stupid, Huh
You Should Sleep Late Man Its Just Much Easier On Your Constitution"

I'm sure there are plenty out there that would have a similar thought, in fact I was talking with a guy at Madison Hut Sunday morning about doing some bigger hikes (my experience doing the Pemi last year in fact, the first time I met you) and he was like, "That just takes all of the fun out of it." I disagreed, saying that getting in really good shape (both mentally and physically) and then pushing your limits IS both fun AND educational. GREAT JOB!!! Your physical strength is impressive, your mental strength is simply amazing.
I was really intrigued and inspired when I heard of your plan to do a double pemi loop, and been waiting for the report. Just to even think of a hike of this magnitude would make most people shiver. One and 1/2 Pemi is simply incredible. Bravo.
Courtney, it was great meeting you for the first time. It’s events like this that you get to see the true heart of someone and as we can all attest to, you have a big heart.

A very commendable effort and something to be proud of!
You rock, leaf! As much as I was hurting on Friday during my move on no sleep, I knew how much more you were hurting hiking on no sleep. I was so glad to get your texts and the updates and know you were accomplishing so much out there, getting done what most people (myself heartily included) wouldn't have the courage to dream about, much less actually do. I'm glad I could be there for you, and I'm glad I didn't have to be. You exited under your own steam, in your own plan, you made it work.

Just as you were able to pull on your above-treeline wind training, you will pull on this experience when you are mountaineering. And when ANYONE in this world doubts our "little" mountains, I will point them to this thread, and to you, and I'll say "top that, pansy."
Way to go Court!!! Wish I could have been there to support you...just know that I was thinking about you while you were on this epic hike. Thanks for sharing your story. It was very interesting to see what you were thinking/how you were feeling at different points in the hike. Incredible accomplishment both physically and mentally. I look forward to hearing all about it when I get back.
Hey Court - I mean this most sincerely when I say - You're a frickin' machine! Great job on the hike, and let's not forget what a great cause you were doing this for.
Courtney...we were so happy to see you on the trail.
I haven't hiked in quite some time but I just knew I
had to meet up with you. This was such a
great hike you were doing for the people in Haiti.
Your a true giver Courtney and you gave it your all.
Without dreams where would we be? Great trip report and
the best support team. I just love that swede he's 100%


Mtnmama :)
Gwynna, glad you were there and weren't there as well. Haha.
Adventurous, Hmm, next time I'll be sure to plan something insane on a weekend when you aren't out of the country!
JasonPatrikz, thank you. Ditto to everyone above. ^

I'm moved and sincerely touched by everyone's comments. I never thought by giving to a charity in this way that I would receive so much in return. Wow. :D

My pictures are posted on my website. I included a few I took on Franconia Ridge previously for my donators who had never seen the White Mountains before. Also, my captions are long for that very same reason.

My Pictures