Man vs Women

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[ weQUOTE=WinterWarlock;383715]The question, when posed the way you are posing it, is completely irrelevant, and a waste of space here. I believe Neil was suggesting people discuss worthwhile topics, not the stuff that makes elections ugly. May I kindly suggest you drop it and try again with a reasonable discussion topic?
(Wow - good thing I'm not a moderator here!)[/QUOTE]

I think women are very well suited to be climbers and don't get rcognized as such is a male dominated activity. I'm hoping that will come out in discussion but you males arn't picking up on that. I think the last few posts illustrate this nicely. I haven't used the word or implied sterotype nor saying a discussion about women having superior climber atributes is not relevent.

I would like to hear what the ladies have to say about this.
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Watch post was deleted when I made reference to "binders" back on page 1. :D

IMHO it was quite funny!
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WE are very superior...each in our own way.
Man/women just complement each other. Even my boy dogs are unique and different from my girl dogs. Not better, just different. It's the way of the sexes.

From New Oxford dictionary:
In many different fields, the complement of X is something that together with X makes a complete whole—something that supplies what X lacks.
I agree with what Billy said, which supports what I said, it is like comparing apples to oranges, whether it is rock climbing, or hiking, they simply can't be compared. This does seem like a bit of a ridiculous topic and it does appear that you are trying to stir controversy. Of course there are excellent women cliimbers and hikers, and anything else you can think of, but you simply cannot say that women are better than men or vice versa.
I'm glad I don't need to go on and on here, because Mr. Metsky took the words right out of my mouth. Nuf said!
First we have to define what the characteristics the best hiker/climber has and see who has the superior combination of attributes.

Lets just have some fun of this...ummm... no need for a battle of the sexes. :D[/QUOTE]

I'll use more smilies. My toung n cheek attempts at humor doesn't seem to sit well with some. Lighten up folks. Bee happy. :D

Let's look at this a little differently: if you're the leader of a six person team what characteristics do you want on your team. Hint, climbing is more than a physical thing. I think a person/team needs a balance of: physical, mental and spiritual to be superior. Some may be more male slanted tendencies and some more female.

A mix of apples and oranges....but we are all fruit. :)

So what would be on your list?

BTW the having women on the team for cooking statment was a joke. I am a far better cook than most women. :D
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Pretty lame way to try to string together a thread! Best will never be defined in a consensus, nor should it be!

Best ~ = best looking, best smelling after a long hike, best at reading the map, best at not using the map, best at making it fun, best at getting there faster, best at leaving nothing behind, best at preparing food on the trail, best at hiking all day, best at making friends on the trail, best at saying we don't care Rickie!
Post removed...apparently I have been asked to apologize for being mean to Rickie...and so I'm sorry. Please carry on with this enlightening thread without me.
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There may be a thread on this somewhere?

Mods what is the male/female ratio of this forums membership?

An age breakdown would bee interesting as well. If possible?
The forum software does not provide a field for gender so I cannot answer that question. It does provide a field for birth date but it is optional, and obviously not verifiable, and thus I cannot answer that question either.

"There may be a thread on this somewhere? Mods what is the male/female ratio of this forums membership?
An age breakdown would bee interesting as well. If possible?"

As a member, not one of the forum moderators, is there a point to the thread or the latest question? :confused: It seems to be spinning around waiting for someone to post something outrageous. Is anyone really interested in the thread besides the OP? The only reason I check back here is to be sure it doesn't turn into a train wreck.
"There may be a thread on this somewhere? Mods what is the male/female ratio of this forums membership?
An age breakdown would bee interesting as well. If possible?"

As a member, not one of the forum moderators, is there a point to the thread or the latest question? :confused: It seems to be spinning around waiting for someone to post something outrageous. Is anyone really interested in the thread besides the OP? The only reason I check back here is to be sure it doesn't turn into a train wreck.

Dave said, "I would select the 6 best and most compatible hikers I knew. Probably half of them would be women because they are some of the strongest climbers I know."

Eddie said, "Testosterone makes men generally stronger but we tend to expose ourselves to higher risk and do stupid things."

Neil said, "Men tend to be more performance driven and goal oriented. We focus on one thing at a time. It's not just a testosterone thing. Our brains are wired that way (because of testosterone in utero I believe). Women see a bigger picture and are more in tune to their environment both physical and social."

Maddy said, "Man/women just complement each other. Even my boy dogs are unique and different from my girl dogs. Not better, just different. It's the way of the sexes."

Billy said, "I've found people like when you speak the hard truths, they just aren't willing to tell you publicly."

I said,

"I think we can agree it takes more than testosterone to be king/queen of the hill."

"In a male dominated activity we may not be seeing what women are fully capable of. Does estrogen make a safer hiker offsetting the aggressiveness of the male hormone? Is mountain climbing a field leveling activity for the sexes?"

"Now I'll give you a clue to my thoughts before drift goes wild. What caractoristics do wome possess that are superior or different to men that are key to climbing. Pain tolerence, team work, risk perception"

"I think women are very well suited to be climbers and don't get rcognized as such is a male dominated activity. I'm hoping that will come out in discussion"

"I'll use more smilies. My toung n cheek attempts at humor doesn't seem to sit well with some. Lighten up folks. Bee happy."

"waiting for someone to post something outrageous"

I have not responded to nore encourraged negative posts.


I think most of the responders have been polite.

Has this turned out to be a dumb thread Yes. It's a forum, there's a lot of dumb threads. :D

I'm done. :)
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"I think most of the responders have been polite."
-yes, the ones who offered their opinions in the thread.

Has this turned out to be a dumb thread Yes. It's a forum, there's a lot of dumb threads.
I'm done.

Excellent, thank you.
And my tongue-in-cheek reply got me a PM saying I was harsh. It was not specifically directed at the OP. Point is I do feel this is aimlessly trying to pigeonhole attributes of undefined qualities while generating a conversation. And though it generated forty responses, I can feel its lame without being harsh. I also, as I said, tongue-in-cheek listed some various pseudo-qualities that could be used to further define "best". None of these would I consider myself to be the best at so if the OP would please regard my posts in the same light-manner as they direct their own they may find some pseudo-humor in the replies to the thread.;)

I do have to say I'm glad it's Man vs. Women, rather than Men vs. Women. I would hate to think I had to pick a side!:rolleyes:
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This thread is bad.Two thoughts here:1]What about people that identify with both sexes?Do they make your superior team?Very gender narrow topic here for 2012.2]Good thoughts by some posters, but can you give me some reason why gender identification and body organs have anything to do with hiking at all?
Your previous thread was awsome for how it inspired some very candid talk,but this one?Its like a encore performance in which the performer decides to swig whiskey and swear at the audience after having all ready won them over.Funny in thought,but terrible in actual results.Do the world a favor and ask the mods to shut this baby down....Peace my brother but a RED SQUARE on this one.In the words of Dave bear, lets all be "best at saying we dont care Rickie!!"