Member names

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New member
Sep 19, 2003
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Portland Avatar: Eati
To be a bit silly. (Ok when aren’t I?) If you could choose to rename a members name on this site what would you change it to? This would take in effect if you have met this person or only know them thru VFTT postings. Keeping it clean and fairly civilized with the new names

Say for example.

HarryK = Beer Delivery Boy or Wannabe American

Sli74 = C4 (Crazy cross country chica)

SherpaKroto = T-Bone (for his little tailbone sliding incident)

Darren = The Greatest….(Ok, I’m kissing up trying to get him to increase my avatar size from more than 150 X 150 for that name.)

Stoopid = Well we will keep that one the same….(just kidding)

Mavs00…(and family) = The Fantastic Four

Hikethe115 = Too Nice

Blue = Wet Jeans

Mine are kind of lame, but you get the point.

SpongeBob: Kanadians are Americans. I'd say Honarary New Yorker, but wouldn't want to insult HarryK with that.

Peak_bgr/Hiatus/bushwkr: Big toppers
Audrey: TheDoctor (sorry, couldn't resist)
Pat: TheNurse (again, sorry)
Donna: Saturated
SpongeBob: MuddyMudscupper

I'd better stop while I still have some friends.

Before someone else says it:
SherpaKroto: Stubbleman
Last edited:
posterboy = whackboy, wackowhacker, or just plain whacked (either/or, it's gotta be all lower case) Oh, and whackboy: a services procurement facilitator is a pimp. You should read your own bio. :D :D :D :D :D

Stinkyfeet = The Amazing Stinkyfeet.

Mr. X = perfect as is, no change needed.
Peakbgr=The Terminator. As in what he will probably do to this thread because it is off topic.:)
ADK4487 - Guinness4all or GreenBayBoy
HarryK - Live4beer
Mavs00 - CSINY
Hillman1 - MountainMan1 (what else?)

AlG (me) - SloMo
Mr. X said:
Mavs00: Your website cracks me up. It's so well laid out, how do you keep up with it?

I don't.......... That's why there is so many holes in it. It's become a monster. I should just pull the plug, or actually finish it, one or the other.
Mavs00- even so, I have found it enjoyable reading and useful.

Mr. X- is that your location or your bad habit??