VFTT's Rainier crew on the summit!


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Thanks for the update Alpinista!!! I have also been waiting anxiously all day for news! Technology is pretty crazy, eh? I hope they all make it down safely and I can't wait to hear stories and see pictures. Speaking of pictures, have you all checked out brownie's slideshow from his trip out west? There's a thread in the trip reports about it...I highly recommend checking it out for more inspiration!!

I'll raise a toast at McNeills this evening to our fearless VFTT crew and the amazing technology that let's us keep track of them and live vicariously through them!

Toe Cozy
oh way cool! can't wait til they return.
Congratulations to the Team!! Way to Go! Looking forward to the pics. :)
Great for the whole team -- being there has to be incredible! Other than windy, Sherpa give you a weather rpt?? Plenty of milage in views??? I know that Skimom's been out on Mt Hood before - she can look over at it if all goes well, huh??

Very cool that we can "be in touch"!!
bubba said:
Other than windy, Sherpa give you a weather rpt?? Plenty of milage in views???

Unfortunately, the conversation had to be very brief. So no details than those mentioned in the original post, unfortunately.

Besides -- we need to give them plenty of room to post their own trip reports! :D
How sweeeeet it is :D
Hope they have a safe trip down.
Think they may do some butt slidding :rolleyes:

Look forward to their trip report and pictures

How totally awesome that so many of the group made it all the way to the top! I've been without internet for the last few hours (darn that Comcast), so I've been dying to know the report.

I believe they were taking the "normal" route (Disappointment Cleaver from Camp Muir).

Three cheers for the VFTT crew! :D
Never a doupt

Not in my mind anyway. A great day for the VFTT family and a proud moment of individual achievement for the members of the group.

Way to go :cool:
I have been waiting all day for a summit report.
All that work and planning paid off.
After Muir it is one butt slide down the snowfield
Hope they are all well
That is a good percentage of the group to summit
Way TO GO. :D :D :D