Working on the 770?

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John H Swanson

Active member
Jan 12, 2004
Reaction score
New Jersey
On occasion, people have asked me if I know of anyone else actively working on the 770 3000 footers. Since I only know of a few, I thought I would throw out the question.

If you are actively working on them and have, say, at least 300 done, please post.
What about Nan?? After completing her 111W,(w/ no deserved fanfare) this has got to be next. Your buddy John
nyestreet said:
What about Nan?? After completing her 111W,(w/ no deserved fanfare) this has got to be next. Your buddy John

:eek: You are going to get me in trouble :eek:

There is no way I would be able to convince or trick her into that one, nor would I want to. That was all PN (pre-Nan) :D
366/770. I won't admit to working on the list until I'm 2/3's done. So, no I'm not working on the 770. Also, about 100 of those are in Vermont which basically means I stroll in the woods alot.

Here's to a sharp stick in the eye.

Phil S
Count me in!

ok so i'm officially at 188, is that so bad?...and I just this week decided to announce that I was gonna go for the 770..see the "I'm a 'Daks Virgin" thread...but it was because MJ(Missin'Link) told me only recently that this was so (I was under the impression that 451 was my goal :eek: ) :D ... once I do my first hike in NY, then and only then will I officially be going for the 770....I'm strictly 'No GPS' though...hope that's ok...
michael said:
ok so i'm officially at 188, is that so bad?...and I just this week decided to announce that I was gonna go for the 770..see the "I'm a 'Daks Virgin" thread...but it was because MJ(Missin'Link) told me only recently that this was so (I was under the impression that 451 was my goal :eek: ) :D ... once I do my first hike in NY, then and only then will I officially be going for the 770....I'm strictly 'No GPS' though...hope that's ok...

"No GPS" -- old school!!! Way to go! Good luck to you!!!

i think the jump from NE115 to NE770 is so huge that NE3500 is interesting. no, i don't mean the 3500 highest peaks in the northeast, so maybe the name needs changin'... but maybe not!

combining all peaks 3500+ and a small number of lesser peaks encompasses all the lists except for the NE770. i think even lesser peaks from a list like the 50 finest could be included.

anyone interested in putting this list together with me?


ps there's a certain bushwhackin' banned-for-life, ex-member who's workin' on the NE770. :eek:

I would to love achieve this goal........I'm workin' on it maybe 10 yrs' from now.......The 454 would be good for now! :)
Not me, sorta...

259/770, but, I wasn't working on the 770 until I made my first trip to the ADK's this winter. Now that I got 12/46'r peaks I guess I'm on my way to 770, but, 770 won't happen till the 451 is done. So, really, I have 248/451 which I'm working on, and 259/770 which I'm not really working on. Does any of this make sense?
Thought so.

Only 285, and the magic of losing the car in a Maine pothole or getting impaled on spruce sticks is fading...we may just live vicariously through your trip reports. We tag along when we can and enjoy it much more since the fever cooled.
Sir Edmund said:
combining all peaks 3500+ and a small number of lesser peaks encompasses all the lists except for the NE770. i think even lesser peaks from a list like the 50 finest could be included.

But Jeff, by skipping out on the 3000'-3500' summits, you're skipping out on some really great CAT100 peaks. :) Half the challenge is getting there!

Stev-o said:
Life is way to short to waste my time & money doing bushwack's with no view. Call me Kookie.
It's a big world! Get out there!
Before it's too late..... :)


Some of those peaks without trails are really, really nice. Some have beatiful views and others have incredibly nice forest walks - eventhough the summit may not have a view. On the other hand, some of the 770 are hellaciously difficult with little redeaming value. The secret is knowing which ones to avoid and which ones to go to. Finding the gems is half the fun. Then to add some confusion to the mix....some of them are really nice by one route and painfully bad by another route.

Agreed, the world is a big place and one lifetime is finite which is why you don't see me going for the 770 x 12.

Plenty of views on those peaks!
Great view of Laf on Big Bickford,Nice view on N Hitch.,a ledge on S Hitch.,nice view of Wolf on Wolf Cub,View of Horn on Poplar Ridge,Killer view from West Garfield,view of Bond Range from Unknown Shoal pd,nice from Chandler,also Black across the way,awesome from Braintree with a nice ridge walk,nice view of Canada on D'Urban in Pittsburg.Should I keep goin?Who's got more Views to add?? ;)
ayuh, no views in Maine!

MarkJ said:
Who's got more Views to add?? ;)
Can't see a thing from the summits of W Bear, Mahoosuc Mtn, Mullen, N Turner, Squaws Bosum, Barren, Middle & South Abraham, S Big Spencer, Twin Peaks, E Peak Boundary Bald, the ledge on #6...

Nope, nuttin ;)

From North Oxbow (a boundary peak) you can hear the loons singing in Arnold Bog; Caribou off Beaudry Rd has an awesome view of the boundary swath;
Grass Mt (VT) has acres of fern fields through which you can swish; if you brookwhack off Flat Mt down Snows Brook, you'll find the most incredible colored lichens on the boulders...well, I guess I'm not done yet.

I forgot about Grass,nice views!My previous post did have an error,no view from W Gar,only the door handle and a big rock,Gar E Pk has the views,but when you wack from E Gar to the col you can do the great Hawthorne Falls wack which is a great view of the falls if you can find them....
I have a spreadsheet carefully tucked away keeping track of this list.. I guess I am working on lists which are essentially subsets of this list so I must therefore be kinda working on the 770 haha!!

At least I can breathe easy knowing I have all of the 3000 footers in MA... All 2 of them :)
MarkJ said:
Plenty of views on those peaks! .... Who's got more Views to add?? ;)

I prefer to let the ignorant stay ignorant