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  • Thank you for the greenie.
    All the lists we did already, was only a pretext to discover new places.
    Kim, I was doing the same thing, looking for Junior's boat...just posted a link with his boat in it...
    Hi Kim! Thanks for the greenie. Actually, this is the second time a moose has jumped over my tent. The last time was in 1988, way up in northern Maine. It was a similar experience, but I didn't want to say that because then who would believe me?!! ;-)


    PS: We met you on Stairs Mountain on May 23 when me and wardsgirl camped out with you and your 2 friends :)
    Thanks for the greenie. It was a nice trip. I'd like to try it next time from the Davis Path going over Stairs and Davis.
    Thanks for the green square, there, Kim...much obliged!

    (More eye candy to come, especially this fall and winter...)
    It doesn't really happen on purpose! But I don't know what's next, to be honest. Any ideas? :)
    hey kim

    a rather large scale attempt at revegatation as they have narrowed the pathway in many places with piles of dead trees and erected the rock wall/tree barrier to keep hikers on the summit...its different for sure
    Thanks! Shasta was amazing!! I will definitly go back, beautifull Mountain and incredible fast glissade!!!
    Thanks for the greenie, Adventurous. Yes, I'm glad we live in NH, I don't think I could ever adjust to hiking in hot temperatures. Give me 60s and 70s, and I'm a happy camper. :)
    Hey, that was a lot of fun. God, was it hot Sunday?! We jumped right into the river at the parking lot! Have a great trip out west!
    Imja Tse is right near Everest...in Nepal. i was invited to join a trek by the German's that I met in Zermatt last summer.They rock/ice climb and hike..really cool group. Am very excited, we'll be 19 days trekking. Lots of it will be same trail that Lei is travelling now to Everest. The guide knows my experence and was excited to have me join in.
    I couldn't turn this opportunity down......:^)
    thanks for the comment. :D geez, haven't seen you in awhile. hope all is well down there in the island of rhode!
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