AMC article on naming in the White Mountains

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I thought that was an interesting piece. It's strange how some names stick and others are fought over. Look at the discussion we have had here about pronounciation. We could take a poll about who calls the peak next to Washington Clay or Reagan. Or how many people refer to Washington as George.

What other nicknames have peaks picked up?

Great little article! Thanks for sharing it. Although I'm an AMC member, I rarely remember to read most of their articles and I didn't realize that AMC Outdoors has some exclusive web-only content. That was a good one.

Another resource that I really like for place name information is the USGS Geographic Names Information System (GNIS). If you use the database and want to share links, make sure to read their FAQ section. Some of the names that they have listed for Mt Washington and other mountains are pretty interesting to read.
My favorite for "George" is the Abenakis "Kodaakwajo", or The Hidden Mountain, referring to the clouds which often hide its top
I like the history of Mt Mary in the Pilot Range. Bruce Sloat bought top of the mountain and named it after his wife. I havent checked if it had a prior name. Not sure if the USGS recognizes it.

Mt Carlo in Success is reportedly named after a hiker's dog. The hiker a Mr Cook doesnt have a mountain named after him, but his dog has one.

Goose Eye mountain is also an usual name. I have heard a couple of sources for the name.
They didn't mention my favorite:

Mooselookmeguntic. :D

...though technically not in the Whites, I suppose.
I love that, according to Alfred Donaldson, "Adirondack" is a slur used by the Iroquois for their bitter rivals, the Algonquin. It means "bark-eater."