anyone else fed up with this "summer" weather

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Was pretty nice down here last weekend - biked, climbed, played hide&seek with lightning...
Yeah I'm getting pretty annoyed. I'm doing lots of bushwhacks this summer and wet bushwhacks suck a lot more than wet trails and wet trails aren't always a pleasure either!

Still, I'd rather be outside than in.
Did Mendon in VT last Saturday and the weather was GREAT!

Looking at BSP for this Sunday - 30% chance of rain :(
Guy, come and visit in south Jersey. its been a pretty awesome summer. Hot and sunny, very little rain. I've been bkining, running, swimming kayaking, doing triathlons, sunnt on the beach, etc. And best of all NO RAIN = NO LAWN MOWING
It's been pretty good in NY, although it's been very rainy on late afternoon weekdays, the weekends have been pretty good. Makes you want to come over to the ADKs and do the great range, giggy, right?

Not sure where you guys are trying to hike but I've hiked 6 of the last 8 weekends in the Whites and have had great weather every time. The only weekends I missed were June 23/24 and June 30/July 1 and Trail Conditions reports indicate that both of those weekends were fine.

If it's raining so much, how come my lawn is burned to a crisp? 60% of my yard has no grass left alive on it!

Yeah, for some strange reason, the rain clouds part and pass on either side of Bedford, NH :(

On a more serious note, there is evidence of 7-day cyclic weather, and once we get into a rain-on-the-weekend cycle, it does appear to continue. I recall one year I was seriously racing bicycles and it seems to rain every weekend. Went through lots of brake pads, and the washing machine got filled with sand.

Interesting take. Getting in shape for an Alaska trip, we did a camping trip in July for the 1st time in like 15 years. We thought the weather was great!

Seriously, this is not summer at all....
I've been out every weekend, with possibly one or two misses. I have to go back to April to find a wet hike. I assume scattered clouds don't count toward "suck".

Check my slideshows. No complaints here!

BTW: I have a brown lawn too.
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Batting .500 so far on the two biggest hikes of the season. Earlier this month, I was pelted with sleet on the way up Bond and spent a wet, frigid night at Guyot. The weather couldn't have been better, however, for my hike up King Ravine last Saturday.

My lawn is green, too, so I'm not ready to start whining yet... ;)
I'm not complaining

The worst weather for me is hot and humid. Temps have been very comfortable all summer. I have been rained on here and there but not too bad. Plus I have a new boot dryer. :)
I don't have the luxury of hiking every weekend and when i do - they have to be planned in advance - so no rain dates, but it seems each one I have picked since late may has been rain/socked in. not just showers - whatever - its no biggie, but high pressure is more fun.

it also seems like before 30% of showers meant 70% not showers. this year seems 30% showers means 100% chance steady rain.

rather hit the pub really.
Are you sure this "Summer weather" you speak of is not just the rain cloud that perpetually follows you along?
giggy said:
I don't have the luxury of hiking every weekend and when i do - they have to be planned in advance .

I have to plan in advance as well. I have to figure what state I'm going to by the time I get in the car. When I hike in Maine or NH I try to figure out where to hike by the time I reach the border between VT and NH. When I hike in the ADK I try to figure it out by the time I cross under the Northway.
I have felt your pain, I also pick out weekends way in advance, lets talk winter.... I've been on a good run for a while but 2004 & part of 2005 I don't think I saw the sun at all. (Friends were planning trips around my schedule :( )

This year & most of 2006 had been pretty good but I'm ADK bound this weekend & it looks like 50% for Friday & 30% for Saturday & Sunday.
Funny, I've cancelled trips over rain for before. Like you Giggy, I'd just as soon sit it out at the pub and try for another time. But, since we HAD to go last weekend, we figured f-it and let's see. We drive all the way up to the backside of the Carter Range (3+ hours) in nice sun. We pull into the parking lot, and it rains at the exact moment we put the car in park. Uncanny.