Trail Work

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Well-known member
Sep 4, 2003
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New Hampshire
gathered a few web pages with trail maintenance info ... feel free to add links here

National Trails Day

Adirondack Mountain Club

ADK 46er Trail Crew


AMC Berkshire Chapter

AMC Maine Chapter

AMC New Hampshire Chapter

Appalachian Trail Conservancy

Baxter State Park

Catamount Ski Trail

Catskill 3500 Club

Chatham Trails Association


Dartmouth Outing Club

Friends of Acadia

Friends of the Wapack Trail

Green Mountain Club

Harris Center for Conservation Education

Lakes Region Conservation Trust

Maine Appalachian Trail Club

Midstate Trail

Monadnock Sunapee Greenway Trail Club

New Hampshire Trails Conference

Randolph Mountain Club

Society for Protection of New Hampshire Forests

Sunapee-Ragged-Kearsage Greenway Coalition


Upper Valley Trails Alliance

Wonalancet Out Door Club
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Quite a nice list of opportunities there.

arm said:
someone once said the best kept secret is that trail w*rk is actually fun !
Fun? I think it can be a tramatic experience for some. Look at the picture of me that Timmus drew, after going out on one of my outings:

The poor girl. I must have scared her.... And it was her first outing!
Pete_Hickey said:
Quite a nice list of opportunities there.

Fun? I think it can be a tramatic experience for some. Look at the picture of me that Timmus drew, after going out on one of my outings:

The poor girl. I must have scared her.... And it was her first outing!

Nice links, Arm. Thanks.

And Pete, Timmus's picture is great- album cover good - it should be your Avatar.
Dear GMC Volunteers!

The GMC will be printing a second edition of the Day Hiker's Guide to Vermont this upcoming summer. Over the winter months, the GMC Publications Committee will be editing the current guide and is seeking input on hikes. The Publications Committee is looking for volunteers to field check hikes in southern Vermont this fall/winter/early spring. There is a list of approximately 60 day hikes in southwestern Vermont to review. Please review the list (below) to see if there are any that you would like to check. Hikes need to be checked to verify driving directions and any changes in trail access, parking and routes.

To sign up as a hike checker, or if you have any questions about this opportunity, please contact GMC Publications Committee member, Val Stori at 802.439.3079 or [email protected]

Thanks for everything you do for the GMC!
Happy Hiking!
- Keri

Harmon Hill- AT/LT
Little Pond
Greendale Trend
White Rocks- Ice Bed trail
Styles Peak Loop- AT/LT to Forest Road 58
White Rocks- Keewaydin Trail to AT/LT
Little Rock Pond- AT/LT
Grout Pond Recreation Area
Stratton Pond Trail
Prospect Rock via Rootville Rd
Spruce Peak via AT/LT
Bromley Mountain via AT/LT
Little Rock Pond/Green Mt. Trail
Old Job via Forest Road 30
Haystack Mt. Trail
Bald Mountain
Broad Brook Trail
The Dome
Agawon Trail
Pine Cobble Trail
AT from North Adams to VT border
LT/AT from VT border to Seth Warner
Taconic Crest Trail from NY Route 346 to Petersburg Pass
Branch Street to Bald Mt.
Harbor Road to Bald Mountain
Lye Brook Trail
Burr and Burton Trail
Lookout Rock Trail
Dorset Hollow approach to Dorset Peak
Danby 4 Corners approach to Dorset Peak
Mount Aeolus
Dorset Ridge Trail via Mount Aeolus
Owl's Head Trail
Freedley Quarry
Mother Myrick Mountain
Emerald Lake State Park
Merck Forest and Farmland
Mount Antone
Spruce Peak (Merck)
Ice Beds Trail
Keewaydin Trail to LT to White Rocks
Bird Mountain
North Peak Trail (Bird Mtn)
Butterfly Trail (Bird Mtn)
Castle Peak Trail (Bird Mtn)
East Trail (Bird Mtn)
Bald Mt (Mendon)- East Loop
Bald Mt (Mendon)- West Loop
Shrewsbury Peak Trail
Black Swamp Trail
Healdville Trail- Okemo Mountain
Harriman Trail
East Branch Trail (Somerset)
Flood Dam Trail (Somerset)
East Shore Trail (Somerset)
West Shore Trail (Somerset)
Haystack Mountain
Ridge Trail (Haystack-Mt. Snow)
Lake Shaftsbury State Park
Lake St. Catherine State Park
Delaware and Husdon Rail Trail
Hapgood Pond Recreation Area
Big Branch Trail
Woodford State Park

Keri Foster
Director of Member & Volunteer Services
Green Mountain Club
4711 Waterbury-Stowe Rd.
Waterbury Center, VT 05677
802.244.7037 ext. 24
[email protected]
Pete_Hickey said:
Fun? I think it can be a tramatic experience for some. Look at the picture of me that Timmus drew, after going out on one of my outings:

The poor girl. I must have scared her.... And it was her first outing!

My request have been sent to M. Coyne, see you on Dix.

And this year I wanna carry up an axe too (self-defense).
There is a group of us that do a Work Weekend/Hiker Feed at the RPH Shelter on the AT every July... This year it is the weekend of July 7-8-9. We will be installing and finishing up some turnpiking that we started last year, and have worked on many weekends since, plus there are a bunch of waterbars that are going to be installed along the trail just south and north of the trail junction with Long Hill Rd.

We will be there rain or shine, from Thursday night to Sunday afternoon...

The bonus to get people to work is the kickin' hiker feed we put on... Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner!!! And not whimpy meals either, blueberry pancakes, egg sandwiches, burgers, dogs (not the four legged kind... :) ), salads, steaks, chicken, pork chops, ham, tasty deserts... Including great homemade lemonade...

If you are interested, let me know, this is the 6th annual work weekend we have done at the RPH Shelter... It is a great time to give back to the trail, meet some new friends, and wish this year's class of Thru's 'Best Wishes' on their journey...

Feel free to come down for the day, or the whole weekend, we are not picky about it, the more hands, the better!


PS...I wanted to add that this totally volunteer, we are not affliated with the ATC, AMC, or any other group... The guy in charge of the project pays for everything out of his own pocket...
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I helped the Catskill 3500 club this past Saturday on a litter clean up day..There were 8 of us to clean a 2 mile stretch...I was glad to participate and give something back to the environment and help the club...
Don't be afraid to get your hands dirty...

...and your legs, and your face, and your hair, and your rear, and...

I get some funny looks as I hike out (esp. with a trash bag - 'bag' lady must be desperate to collect cans). I just smile... ;)
Getting dirty

carole said:
...and your legs, and your face, and your hair, and your rear, and...
Not always, though. Here is a guy who has just spent 5 and a half days in the woods, doing 10-12 hours trailwork a day.

It didn't rain that week, and work was in mineral soil.

Timmis: I'll bring an axe for you. But you have to put on a scarey face for the pictures. We can mask out your identity, as we did with this group:
Pete_Hickey said:
Timmis: I'll bring an axe for you. But you have to put on a scarey face for the pictures. We can mask out your identity, as we did with this group:

I know where you going with that, Pete. Taking off my shirt on top of Dix would require more than an axe privilege. Is it why you are bringing a beer keg and special salsa ?
timmus said:
I know where you going with that, Pete. Taking off my shirt on top of Dix would require more than an axe privilege.
Would I be thinking like that? Axe people dress the way they want. Note these two have shirts on:

On the other hand, the following guy was completely nude, with the axe stratigically hiding the important parts:

Is it why you are bringing a beer keg and special salsa ?
No. I have other reasons for that. You know how foggy glasses get me out of trailbreaking? A sprained ankle may get me out of carrying the beer. Maybe I bet someone that I can get a woman to carry my beer up a mountain for me.... Nahhhh Would I do something like that????

By the way... It looks like there will be a lot of blowdown to clear.
Lots of blowdowns out there.

I cleared more blowdowns this spring than I've ever seen in the seven years I've been doing it, at least in the Evans Notch area. Start warming up those unused axe muscles.
What is it about beards and trail work leaders? All the trail work leaders in NH Chapter have beards. I sent Timmus' cartoon to one of the leaders as a joke. I hope Timmus won't mind. Timmus's drawings are truly great. Such lively colors!!! Funny! NH Chapter has annual spring trail work weekend coming up weekend of May 6 at Cardigan Lodge. We're more civilized. We use chain saws.
Timmus' cartoons should be published

Timmus could have great market for her work in Outdoor or backpacker magazines. I know her stuff would hugely liven up the pages of AMC Outdoors. Her stuff really makes us laugh!!!
Help wanted

I am an AT Maintainer who usually works solo since I generally aschew group activities. Every once in a while I need some help like carrying in timber puncheons and support blocks. There seems to be no forum where one can ask for an occasional hand. Maybe this is the place :rolleyes: