5th Annual Adirondack BBQ and Hiker Gathering


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Thanks again to Spencer, Madeline, Eric, Paul, Emily etc. for hosting, met a lot of new celebrities from VFTT along with some old regulars.

Wasn't till I got home that I realized we didn't get a book reading by Spence to go with the wine and cheese but I hear Fred will set a chapter to music for next year.

Personally I did very well, like last year climbed the 3 most prominent peaks in the Adk that I hadn't visited previously so in 30 more years I will have the top 100. Also went to enough fire towers to apply for a patch although I will get to the other 4 someday.

While TJ has a good car battery and can leave trunk light on day & night, coming out from Vanderwhacker I jump-started a vehicle at one of the campsites that had left the dome light on too much.
I'll add my thanks

It was fun to meet some new VFTT people and to go on a now infamous "8" mile hike with Spongebob. I guess that's what you get for trusting a guy with a stupid cartoon character nickname. The loop we did to go over Colden and through Avalanche Pass was fantastic and I look forward to returning to the pass again someday.

Also, those sausages were amazingly delicious!
And Seema, your veggie curry was really, really yummy!

Good conversation around the fire on Saturday night with Little Bear and Craig, Seema, BigandSlow et al. was very enjoyable. (the back/shoulder/neck massage from Craig, a real life massage dude was pretty great too!)

Thanks Maddi and Spence for being great hosts for my intro to the adks.!

I'm sure we all look forward to Spongebob's annoying and mean contribution to this thread sometime in the near future. It's good to know he cares.
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This was our first time at one of these gatherings. Spence and Maddi, thanks for your wonderful hospitality and hosting this event. We couldn't believe how much food there was! Joanne and I couldn't stay long, and didn't get to meet everyone we had hoped to, but we still had a nice time.
Nightmare turned Perfect

Spencer and Maddie, thank you so much for a great week end, for your car, house, the best fire-pit EVER, and yea, your amazing and bright daughter.
I'm almost over the fact that even 6 year olds try to steal my boyfriend.

The van is still in Vermont, thanks to Seema and Ryan, we made it safe and sound back home.
I won't miss it next year.
Spence & Maddie,

Thanks again for having us over. We had a great time! It was great getting to sit around the fire enjoying great conversation and listening to some great music. I will definitely be attending this event from now on.

I would like to thank everyone for a wonderful weekend. The weather was great for hiking and I even managed to stay up both Friday and Saturday nights. It was a pleasure to visit with returning friends and meet new ones. I know I say it every year, but please remember the house is always open. So, if you're in the area hiking feel free to drop in. UFC I think you have been replaced (Emily kept Chomp quite "occupied"). Chomp you definitely have a fan and VSA I don't think you have anything to worry about (Emily was pretty taken with you too!!!) Seema the food was delicious and if we visit Boston I'm looking forward to going out. The award for largest tent goes to Bignslow, I think. I forgot to ask who traveled the farthest. All the dishes are washed, tables cleaned and trash picked up. So now that I have time to relax I miss all the tents scattered around the backyard. I hope everyone made it home alright. I am looking forward to hiking in the fall and hope to be there when Mimi finishes on Esther. Spencer and I will be going to Death Valley in November- Anyone have any suggestions??? :rolleyes:
C'mon everyone - having missed it I need *PICTURES* to live vicariously!!!

HIATIS said:
Spencer and I will be going to Death Valley in November- Anyone have any suggestions??? :rolleyes:
Hi Spence and Maddi, thank you for having us in your backyard again, too bad I missed Brian and Ruth by few seconds, please send my regards to them.

It was a great weekend, great seeing all of you. I have finally tasted Seema's famous curry and heard Funky Freddy's musical talent, both were indeed very awesome. I recorded a clip of Freddy playing a song he wrote, but the annoying SpongeBob was yapping in the foreground, ruined the recording...

Yes, SherpaK, the precious one has return to its rightful owner, Freddy and Gail have something for you too. Forget about my T-shirts business, I should start a courier service instead :rolleyes:

Thanks again for your hospitality, looking forward to next year. Have fun in Death Valley.
Thanks Spence and Maddy. Great time! Wish I could have stayed longer but the other side of life calls sometimes:(. It was great to catch up with folks and meet some new ones. I got thrown off by funkyfreddy and his beard! Took me a minute to recognize him:eek:! I did get to see some of the meteor shower on the ride home:). Did you have a great view through your tent roof Tom and Laurie?
Pat and I really missed not being there. :(

Death Valley! November is a good time to beat the heat and the crowds, though there never seems to be anyone around on the hikes. Corkscrew Peak and Wildrose Peak are two good ones. Corkscrew has a herd path partway in: Park the car a couple of hundred yards south of the Corkscrew Peak sign and walk towards the mountain, skirting the hill to the right around its base. When you get to a very wide dry wash, take a right and walk in it along its right edge. It will narrow and eventually you will reach the herd path which stays on a beautiful ridge on the right of the peak most of the way. The views never quit. Especially nice is the sight of Badwater (lowest point) with Telescope Peak (highest point) behind it.
HIATIS said:
Spencer and I will be going to Death Valley in November- Anyone have any suggestions??? :rolleyes:

Charlene and I are going next month. Maybe I'll have suggestions when we return.


Sorry we couldn't make the BBQ.
Happy birthday Spencer....couldn't make the trip, got knee problems and I probably would have tried hiking and really screwed things up...one day i'll be back...take care..
TMax said:
I did get to see some of the meteor shower on the ride home:). Did you have a great view through your tent roof Tom and Laurie?
The view outside the tent is much better, but we did see a few thru the roof! :D
Spence and Maddie:

Thanks so much for your wonderful hospitality! I always enjoy attending the ADK BBQ's. Once again this year, the company was great and the food incredible. It was nice to see many new faces, and we did miss many of you who couldn't come - Pat, Audrey, Bubba, MichaelJ (no pics 'cause you weren't there), UFCM, Big Moose, Timmus, Pete Hickey, Neil, etc. (Although I think we got perfect weather because Bubba didn't make it :D ! I'll give up the brownies for no rain any day! - only kidding Bubba!)

Can't wait til next year!

Little Bear and Craig
SherpaKroto said:
Uh, did the ring make it back safely to its owner? Enquiring minds want to know ;)

Indeed it did, thanks to you Sherpakroto and 7summits for bringing it to us! :) Gail and I owe you both big time! :) I have photos to prove it but am still in Montreal, will post photos and trip reports when I get back to NYC!

It was great to see everyone again! Gail and I had great hikes and a great time socializing..... Special thanks go to Jay for giving me a ride up to the gathering, Sherpakroto for the ring, and Spencer and Maddi for having us - they are terrific hosts and wonderful people! Gail and I spent Sunday night in their back yard as well after we got out late Sunday night from a hike of Colvin and Blake with Bob.

I also had a great time going to dinner w Jay, Alan/Peakbgr, Al/Ajtiv, Barbara, etc. at the Tip a Canoe on Friday and am looking forward to reading Spencer's book.

Congratulations to Jay on his ADK 46!

Happy Birthday Spencer! Hope you have many more!
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